Chapter 89: "How could you not tell me?"

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-Ava's POV-

I didn't want him here for this.

I knew it would be bad, his reaction. I knew he'd blame himself even more. But I also knew there was no way from stopping him from finding out.

He would, and when he did the guilt would eat him alive. No matter how unwarranted. It would.

He'd already asked me if I knew. If I'd seen his face. I'd avoided the question, changing the subject, even feigning pain if I had to. Wasn't right, but I did. There was already so much hurt in his eyes. I just couldn't bring myself to tell him.

But now, with two police officers standing in front of me... I had no choice but to speak the words, to explain every detail of what happened.

I was tired. To tired.

It was only 11 a.m. but already I'd had to walk down the corridor twice and receive eight visitors. My friends, all wanting to see my face. To see proof that I was okay. Harry stood back as they each fawned over me, watching with a proud grin on his face. Even when Liam hugged me, it stayed. I didn't ask, but I understood. When something big happens, smaller things suddenly seem trivial.

Poppy and Finn had arrived first. Both crying, both clutching onto me as if I would disappear. Next came Anne and Gemma, both with red eyes full of relief. Then came Lou, Liam, and Niall. More crying from Lou, a hostess cupcake from Niall, and a restrained hug from Liam. Jenna followed soon after, insisting I not worry about a thing work wise.

Some came and went, others were ushered out when the police arrived.

"Can you tell us the string of events Miss McCain? Please be as detailed as possible."

I nod at the officer, my eyes glancing over to Harry sitting next to me. He has a hold of my hand tightly, squeezing it and giving me a nod to tell them. Giving me comfort, showing support.

Only he'll be the one needing both... If he hears of what exactly I went through that night.

"Harry... could you give us a minute?"

His eyes widen in confusion, shock, and hurt. "What? No."

"You may want to step outside Mr. Styles. It's usually very hard for loved ones to hear a thorough account of what happened." Officer Rhodes speaks up.

"What? No." Harry repeats himself, his eyes shifting back and forth between me and the officers. "Am not leaving."


"No Ava." He cuts me off. His voice is stern. Adamant. "I need to hear it... Please love. Don't shut me out. I'm in this with you. Not leaving... end of discussion."

I suck in a deep breath, my throat still a bit sore.

I look up, nodding at the officers it's okay to continue. One pulls out a notepad and pen, the other a recording device.

And with that I relived what I went through that night.. A dark figure in the hallway, my hair being pulled out as I was dragged down it. The hits to my face, the crack of my ribs breaking, the feeling of being choked. The screams. My hand being crushed, being thrown against the counter. More hits. More Screams. Then broken glass being thrust into my stomach.

I kept my eyes trained on the officers the entire time. I couldn't look over. I couldn't bring myself to look in Harry's eyes. I felt his touch, ever present as his large hand held mine. Tears ran down my cheeks. I felt sick. I felt dizzy as the memories came flooding back, to fresh to not affect me.

When I was asked if I saw his face and I answered yes, I felt Harry's hand tense.

When I was asked if I recoginzed him and I answered yes again, he finally spoke.

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