the reunion

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I run through  a lot and see people standing  by a fire  there heads all turn towards me at my loud entrance

'Who the bloody hell are you?' The blonde one snaps grabbing my hand forcefully i push her off  as marcel stands infront of me

'I see marcel' she scoffs

'It isn't  what you think rebekah this,this is kira' he says

'Kira?' She questions

'Your long long sister' he sighs
They all stand in shock  as rebekah crosses her arms staring at me

'We dont have another sister i would remeber' she snaps  going for me again marcel holds her away

'Wait!' The other blonde says walking over  to me she holds onto my hands tightly and mutters words in latin a moment  later she stepps back  tears in her eyes  panting  loudly

'Freya?' Rebekah asks 'what is it?'
She grabs my shoulders and does something strange she huggs me tight  at first im surprised so i dont do anything then a moment later she pulls back

'Its true you all know her but you were compelled i can see this because i wasn't  there to be compelled shes telling the truth' she says smiling

Marcel slowly moves away as rebekah stands infront of me tears in her eyes  and hugs me tight

'I guess we gain one to loose two' the browned haired man says

'Kol too soon' freya says

'What do you mean by that?' I ask
Marcel grabs  my shoulders

'It was the only way' he softly says
My chest  beats fast and my head starts to spin

'No  no its not the only way where are they!' I demand marcel points outside

'Theres no use its impossible  to  stop it we've tried everything' he says I shake my head

'No you haven't  tried me' i say running outside

'No kira don't!' Marcel shouts i keep running ignoring the footsteps behind me  i see two men with stakes  in there chest  i wave my hands and bring them to mine they snap  around looking at me as i crush them in my hands dropping the ash to the floor

'Nooo!'the one screams running to me tears in his eyes  i raise my hands in defence when he falls back onto the floor  i see rebekah infront of me

'Klaus stop!' She shouts

'Why sister she has put my daughters life  in danger i cannot  be away from her  i will  end up killing her!' He shouts  i take a good look at him and smile

'What is the meaning of this rebekah?' The other one says

'Shes our sister elijah' she says

'Impossible' elijah breathes

'Its true' freya says

'Is this another one  of  you tricks freya to keep me alive do you understand  what danger you have put hope in!' He screams

'Oh for Gods sake' i shout grabbing onto klaus shoulder tightly

i feel a force fly out of me and knock them all back each of then groan  as a blue light flows into their head

I see  marcel walks out with a young girl

'Dad!' She screams running to klaus hugging him tightly  

They all look up to me shoked  clearly remebering i stare at klaus and elijah in particular  as they were the last ones to see me after  that night

'Now can you let me help you' i ask as they look at me in shock


Daymmmmm so  now she has the trust of  her brothers and sisters can she help klaus

How powerfull is kira?

Edit: 16/12:20
Just adding paragraphs to make it easy to read

The Original  Sibling ( First Edition ) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin