heart shattering lies

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I walk around towards the toilets as come to the door trying the handle as its locked

'Freya its me Kira!' i yell but get no response

'Freya you can let me in im alone' i say as i knock the door again

when i get no answer i take a hair clip out of my hair and pick the lock

when the door clicks i walk in seeing the light flickering and the floor covered in a thin layer of water

'Freya I'm sure whatever Keelin said she didn't mean it' i say as i open the toilet stools one by one

'Freya' i call again

i reach the last stall seeing her cardigan laying on the floor i pick it up and look closly at it seeing it torn by the shoulder but her scent still strongly on it

A phone rings behind me as i walk out towards the sink where the sound is coming from a phone lays in there buzzing i reach in and pick it up as it displays the name FREYA

i cautiously pick it up confused

'Freya?' i ask softly

'No even better' a voice says

'who is this and where is Freya?' i ask starting to panic

'Freya will be fine if you do as i say' the voice says

'Who is this?' i ask my fists clenching

'Wow you don't recognise my voice I'm really hurt Akira' the voice laughs

'How do you know my name?' i ask looking around the bathroom

'What kind of a brother would that make me if i didnt know my own sisters name?'


'You asshole you better not of hurt her!' i threaten

'I havent and i wont have to if you do what i say' he says as I take a deep breath

'Fine what do you want?' i ask

'I want you to go out there and tell them you have to leave that you feel unwell'

'you know they won't let me leave alone' i say

'Well make them there'll be a black SUV by the entrance you have ten minutes ' he says before the phone cuts off

i breath heavy as i throw the phone across the wall as i scream in frustration

I walk back outside bumping into Keelin

'Did you find her?' she asks

'I'm sure she's just at home, i'd help you but i really dont feel well so i'm going to head back' i say

'Okay want me to drop you' she offers

'No the fresh air will do me some good, but I'll see you later okay' i say before walking off

i walk towards the dance floor seeing everyone laughing and dancing

Landon and hope are dancing and laughing as Klaus and Elijah and talking quietly laughing

Rebekah and Marcel are kissing while Davina and Kol are talking laughing as Josh is chatting up some bloke in the corner

'Hey baby, you okay?' Luke asks as he grabs my waist

'I'm fine i'm just not feeling well i'm gonna head back' i say as i smile softly

'Okay I'll come with you we can order some food and watch a film or..'

The Original  Sibling ( First Edition ) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora