unlikely roommate

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I wipe the blood from my nose as i spit out the built-up blood in my mouth as i clutch my side in pain

'kira wait' Josh shouts as i ignore him

i limp forwards he grabs my shoulders by the bench and spins me around

'kira wait please don't go' he pleads

'why i'm not wanted here' i say laughing 'im not trusted' i add

'i still want you even better i still need you as does Freya,Rebekah and hope and Elijah even Marcel' he says 'we all need you' he says as he sits us down on the bench

he sighs pulling out a tissue and dabs it gently at my face as i winse softly

'even if i work for Garret' i smirk as he rolls his eyes playfully

'even if you work for Garret' he smirks 'as long as you hook me up his hot' he laughs

'Well i guess im officially out of the family' i sigh

'says who Klaus, his not even the oldest one' josh says 'And who cares what he says'

'i do i care his the one i could relate to with my Mikael troubles and now he hates me so now i have no family' i laugh as a tear falls down my cheek

josh strokes my tear away 'thats not true' he says


'yeah you'll always be apart of my family no matter what' he sighs as he moves his hand from my cheek to my hand

'josh what am i going to do?' i say leaning on his shoulder

'your going to go to Kols  with me and wait for Freya and Elijah to sort it out and believe me they will, this will blow over klaus...' he sighs 'well klaus is an extremly paranoid person he thinks everybody is out to get him, we all thought after hope he'd stopped but i guess not'

'maybe its just me' i sigh

'no god no you know he daggered all of your siblings' he starts

'what why?' i ask

'he couldn't trust them believed that they were all plotting agaisnt him, he killed all of Rebekahs loves because he feared they were using her to get close to him' he explains

'gosh thank god i was trapped in a tomb im guessing i would of wound up in there at least a couple thousand times' i joke

'see its not just you each of your sibling were in the same position you was in tonight it's nothing against you so please don't leave' he begs pulling out his bottom lip

'who else will i boy spot with?' he says 'and who will hang with me when Davina and Kol are sucking face' he pouts i roll my eyes

'the thing is kira i love you okay i love you like a brother would a sister, your my bestfriend and i dont ever want to loose you okay' he says

'okay' i say as he pulls me into a hug as i place my head into his shoulder

'promise me that you won't leave me' he says

'i promise' i say as he squeezes me tighter

'can you get some of my stuff from the compound i.. i dont want to go back' i laugh

'of course promise you'll be at kols when i get back' he says

'i'll be waiting' i smile as he walks off

As I begin to walk up the steps of Kol's I see the door partially open I raise my hands ready in defence  as I slowly walk in

i look around i see  everything trashed turned over papers flying all over the floor big letters spray painted on the walls

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