lack of blood

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Elijah POV

'brother maybe she was right what if garret does have him?' i say to klaus

'well what if she isnt, im not going to waste time searching in the wrong place' he argues

'niklaus she has put her trust in you in us and what do we do in return distrust her?' i say

'im not going to entertain this theory of hers unless she has proof or evidence of any kind i will not be walking into a trap' klaus says

i shake my head and walk out just before i go i hear car alarms sounding

'where are you going?' he says

'to find kira something tells me the alarms are her doing brother' i softly snap as i walk out and head down the road searching for her

After a while i bump into hope and landon

'elijah!' hope says surprised as landon scratches his neck awkwardly

'hope, landon' i say as i embrace my niece

'where are you off to?' i ask as she smiles shyly grinning

'we're off on our first date' she says looking down

'why do i have  a feeling your father doesn't know about this?' i ask smirking

'he doesnt please dont tell him , hell make a big deal out of it and threaton landon and-'

'i get it okay you two lovebirds have fun' i say as she smiles about to walk off hand in hand with him as i smirk chuckling lightly

'oh landon' i say as he looks back 'i will personally turn your insides out if any harm comes to my darling niece' i say as hope rolls her eyes

'understood' he gulps before they both walk off i smirk to myself as my phone vibrates

i glance at it seeing amessage from kira about feeling watched in the cafe and that shes left alone without josh

i instantly ring her cell but she doesn't pick up  i decide after five missed calls that shes in danger or shes like rebekah ignorent i call joshs number

'josh wheres kira?' i ask

'shes at the cafe i just left her like five minutes ago im going back soon though why?' he says sounding worried

'she sent me a distressing text can you get to the cafe and check up on her' i say as he nods

'im like two minutes away i'll turn back' he says after a moments silence 'the cafes shut but i told her to meet back at the compound, i was on my way to speak to you isn't she with you guys'

'im not sure i'll turn back home now you should probably meet us there and get marcel and rebekah asap'

as i turn the corner from my home i see luke panicked and when i look down i understand why when i see a lifeless kira in his arms i race over immediatly checking her pulse

its there but only just my heart drops as i fear this is the worst shes been through so far

'quick get her inside on the sofa' i demand as i slam the doors to the compound open

'take it you find our stroppy teenager' klaus laughs then our eyes meet before he looks at kira

'what the bloody hell happened to her?' klaus says in shock racing over

'put her on the sofa quick,Freya!!' i yell as luke places her gently on the sofa and within a split second klaus has him up against the wall

'what did you do!!' he yells

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