Plan c

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Kira POV

'Fin' I say as i stand up slowly

i see him smiling as he holds out his arms as i shake my head

'Your dead this is a trick'I say

'Its not my little Kira i sensed you needed help and made a deal with powerful people' he says as i walk closer to him standing at a distance

'Prove it ' i say tears filling my eyes

'I heard you praying on your first night in the cave that i could be with you that i would be near you to comfort you and i came the next morning and we talked and played games while making up a plan to escape' he says as the tear falls down my cheek

'Fin' i say my voice breaking

he smiles softly and holds out his hands to me as i run into his arms hugging him tightly

'Your here,your really here' i cry as he kisses the top of my head

'Where else would i be' He sighs

'Fin?' A voice says shocked as we turn around seeing Freya with the baby in her arms

'Freya you had a child' He says as she nods smiling softly

she walks over to him hugging his side laughing before she pulls away as he grabs ahold of the baby finger softly smiling

'Hey there baby Luke' he says as i look at him confused

'I seen everything Kira i was always there' he says as he squeezes my shoulders 'Im sorry you lost him' he says as i smile

'Okay is anyone going to tell me what the bloody hell is happening?' Rebekah says confused

'I've come to help' he says as I look at him confused

'So mother sent you down to what take the hollow out of her' klaus says confused as I sit besides fin my head on his shoulder

'No we've been studying the hollow since the first time you and Hope was possessed by it and we failed to find anything but after Freya's wedding, nice wedding by the way, we found a way to get rid of it once and for all but it wasn't deffinate so we was counting on Kira coming to save you and as the days past we wasn't worried we waited for her to grow stronger so she could destroy it but then plans changed and Garret came to town and ruined it it would of been fine but Kira was too weak when she took it in there was no way for her to transfer it to another necklace' he explains

'So what are you getting to' Klaus says

'Well when We seen a witch profesise that Luke would pass we knew it could lead to the hollow being let out so we went back to researching where we managed to find a sort of loop hole' he carries on as I look up at him

'A loophole?' I say confused

'A way around it a way where you don't die in the process' he says

'I won't allow someone to die in my place I can't ask that' I say as he nods

'I know but for the hollow to go she needs to be killed including the host where she is passed to the ghost side where her soul will be blown to smitherines' he says

'I don't understand what's the loophole then' I ask

'Well you could turn her human again then kill her' Kol suggests

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