Chapter 5

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I had woken up at 2:45 from a nightmare, it was about them and what they did. Joey and his friends had also shown up which didn't help anything. It made the whole situation worse.

I try hard to forget about the past, my father had even taken me to professionals, I forgot what they're called though. I've gotten prescribed medication, I've talked to them, and built up walls keeping everything hidden. At least that's what they believe.

I was okay for a while nothing really did feel different after the last time I went to see one of them, but with the constant nightmares the wall just started to crack, the medications are supposed to help with everything I'm pretty sure.

I had medicine for my anxiety and ones that helped me sleep at night. I don't know what they're supposed to do yet the doctor says it will help. For me personally, I don't want medications, I feel like they change who you are or well me.

Walking into school a tired mess, I had slipped on a sweatshirt and leggings and a pair of sneakers. I headed over to my locker to grab my books for my first 3 periods. I was surprised to find no notes in my locker which kinda worried me.

I don't know why but no notes could mean something worse. I mean they can't just all stop at once. Don't these type of things slowly go away not completely go away in a day. They must be planning something big. That thought made my stomach feel weird in a bad way.

After I was done I headed to my first-period class.

Of course, me being me I just had to bump into someone. That someone being the queen of the school, the captain of the cheer team. Someone that I should have been avoiding but my tired self wasn't paying any attention, Molly.

"Well well well look who decided to show her face around here," she was wearing a dress. I tight one actually it was red and strapless. Her boobs were popping out of the front. Let me know why she's dressed like this.

I tried to go around her but she wouldn't let me, I tried again but failed and was pushed against the lockers causing in my back to shoot through my body.

"Let's make one thing clear your a nobody and your going to fucking stay that way," she yelled in my face and then a pain hit my mouth and the back of my head hit against the lockers.

She punched me, I could feel the throbbing in my lip and the back of my head, "your an ugly, fat, worthless girl that needs to leave your a waste of space got it," she said getting closer to me making me press my self closer to the lockers.

"Do you understand?" she yelled making me flinch and I nodded repeatedly.

She smirked at my scared state and left. I stood there shaking, trying to calm myself down. After a couple of minutes, I was back to normal. I reached my hand up and touched my lip seeing blood on my finger.

I debated on whether I should go to my class first and ask to go to the nurse or go to the nurse and get a pass. I decided to go to the nurse first seeing as I'm already late and didn't feel like getting a lecture.

The blood was now dripping down my chin as I headed to the nurses' office. I held my sleeve to my chin to stop the blood from falling to the floor, like honestly why was it bleeding so much?

All of a sudden the janitors closet door opened and out walked Ryder I was going to smile until I saw Molly walk out behind him. I was shocked but covered it up completely and just walked passed them not even paying any mind.

"See you freak he never wanted you in the first place your just a game a bet, a nobody and you're going to stay like that till your ugly self ends it," I stopped dead in my tracks shocked at her words.

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