Chapter 30

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Ryder's pov

The minute I angrily demanded Bella to go upstairs I knew I messed up. When she flinched this unsettling feeling settled in my chest. I tried to apologize to her for lashing out like that but she ran up the stairs and slammed the door behind her.

"fuck" I hissed out gripping my hair hard. I upset Bella, I didn't mean to, I just wanted her to relax. She's been stressed these past couple of days and the incident this morning. 

I turned to my uncle seeing the disapproving look I'm all too familiar with, "you should have just told her," he said leaning against the counter.

"She's been stressed all week she didn't need to know right now," I said running my hands through my hair pulling at the long strands.

"It doesn't matter Ryder, she had a choice, she decided to make whether she wanted to know or not. it wasn't your decision to make," he said, causing me to frown. Bella had told me something like that before.

she had told me how she never had a choice and she hated that. she felt as if everyone else was controlling her while she was just simply there having no say in the matter. this sinking feeling filled my chest. I was no different from the people that had held her captive.

I groaned and sat down resting my elbows on my knees and continued to run my fingers threw my hair, "she hates me now doesn't she?" I asked looking at my uncle. 

He sighed, "she doesn't hate you, she never could. she might be upset with you though" which made me frown.

"Maybe I should go talk to her," I voiced my thoughts but my uncle disagreed.

"It's best to leave her alone right now. You can check up on her in half an hour," he said but I disagreed, however, I left Bella be and decided to go into the living room and watch some tv. there wasn't anything good on and I couldn't stop thinking about Bella. my leg was bouncing as I watched the clock. Each minute that passed felt like hours passed by.

Once the clock hit 11 I turned off the tv and walked upstairs and went over to the room, I tried to open the door but it was locked. I sighed and knocked on the door, "Bella can you let me in?" I asked because I heard nothing causing me to frown. she had run up the stairs about 6 minutes ago which wasn't long and I know she usually has a hard time falling asleep. 

"baby?" I called again knocking only to be met with silence causing this unsettling feeling in my stomach. I ran downstairs and into the kitchen pulling open every draw, "what's going on," uncle Leo asked confused.

"The doors locked upstairs and Bella won't open the door," I said, opening another drawing and shuffling through the objects, "Well I mean you kinda upset her," he said causing me to turn to him.

"Bella might be upset but she also wouldn't want me sleeping on the couch. She would feel too guilty, I didn't hear anything either uncle. I have this unsettling feeling," I said going back to what I needed to do. 

he sighed and I heard the sound of keys, "here's the key, but don't make me regret it," he said, making me turn to him as he was holding a key up in the air.

"Why do you have keys to the door?" I asked him to grab the key from him.

"I stayed here for a couple of days when she got out of the hospital. her father had given me the keys to every door in the house just in case anything happened," 

I nodded understanding and ran upstairs, I quickly put the key into the doorknob and twisting it unlocking the door. I turned the knob opening the door, and what I saw caused my heart to drop. there she was laying on the ground curled up in a ball.

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