Chapter 21

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Uncle Leo got home when he said he would and dinner was already on the table when he walked in. Ryder helped me make chicken alfredo. Throughout dinner, we chatted about how our day was and what tomorrow's dinner should be. We had just finished dinner and we were now cleaning up.

"Ryder was telling me last night after you had gone to bed about your mirror. I had talked to the boys and they had nothing to do with it and Michael said the same thing, I'm having some officers come in and sweep for bugs," he said and I nodded.

Shortly after the doorbell rang and two men walked in through the door. Ryder moved protectively to my side hiding half of me behind his tall frame. Ryder was on high alert, causing me to place my hand on his back. His stiff frame relaxed against my touch, I was glad that I could calm him down.

"Bella, Ryder, this is Detective Johnson," he looked like he was in his mid-forties, blackish-grey hair with hazel eyes, he has a thinner frame then Uncle Leo and had a bright smile on his face, "and this is Detective Brown," he looked a little younger than Detective Johnson maybe mid-30 late 20s, he had short brown hair with dark brown eyes, and was a little muscular, he didn't have a smile on his face and seemed more serious.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Bella," Detective Johnson said keeping his distance, which confused me but then I remembered Ryder. He can look very intimidating sometimes, he is probably glaring at them.

"It's a pleasure to meet you to Detective Johnson," I answered respectfully.

Uncle Leo had gained their attention and gotten them upstairs, he said that he would stay up there with him just in case.

"You okay?" Ryder was staring up the stairs where they had disappeared into my room, "yeah I just don't get a good vibe from them," he mumbled. I frowned but didn't question him. I moved to go take a seat at the table but Ryder gripped my wrist stopping me from going anywhere.

"Where are you going?" he asked coldly. I was shocked that he was acting this way. I know that after I told him about my nightmare and shown him the scars he's been more protective and alert, but I don't know why he's acting cold towards me when I didn't do anything wrong.

"I just wanted to sit down," I whispered, feeling like a child getting a scolding. Ryder's grip on my wrist loosened, I slipped out of his hold and took a couple of steps back putting some space between us.

He looked hurt, "Ryder what's going on?" I asked softly and slowly not trying to stutter.

Ryder ran his hand through his hair a couple of times, "I'm sorry Bella, I'm just... It's hard to explain"

I frowned, "Its okay Ryder-"

"No Bella it's not okay, I shouldn't be lashing out at you like that," he said throwing his jacket on causing me to frown, "where are you going?" I asked.

"I just need to cool down Bella I promise I'll be back later," he said coming over to me and kissing my forehead, "but Ry-"

"I'll see you later, " he said stiffly.

I didn't want him to leave at a time like this yes there were three detectives upstairs but I didn't want to be left alone. However, I knew that Ryder needs to cool down and let out all of the pent up anger after all he hasn't gone to the gym in two days. So when he grabbed his keys and headed for the door I didn't stop him even though every fiber in me wanted to.

Before he even got to the door I disappeared up the stairs to grab my backpack that had all my school work in it. When I got to my door I heard the front door close making me take a deep breath to stop myself from crying. After a minute I was calm and knocked on the door and opened it.

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