Chapter 17

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That night Brian had returned along with the guys to bring me back home since we all had school. Ryder wasn't fond of me leaving to go home to my house. He even said that he would come with me just so that I wasn't by myself but I refused.

Of course, that night I got no sleep because when I went to change in my bathroom, I remembered about the mirror making me slightly panic. I didn't end up falling asleep until 3 meaning I only got 2 hours of sleep.

Ryder even noticed how tired and worn out I looked when he had come to pick me up Monday morning, and even said that he had to stay over at my house during the week to make sure everything was okay. I refused again which didn't sit well with Ryder. I know he just wanted to help me but I feel like I'm just becoming a bother now.

But of course, he didn't listen he decided to sneak in threw my window scaring me to death.

I just got out of the bath when I heard a floorboard creak making me freeze. My floors don't just make noises out of nowhere. There was someone in my room. I grabbed the metal bat that I had brought with me and walked quietly over to the door. I turned off the light and then took a deep breath in and let it out through my nose.

I opened the door and there they were sitting on my bed. They seemed relaxed though, not even alert. I held up the bat and was ready to swing it at them when they grabbed the bat and placed it on the bed,

"Whoa Bella calm down its only me," he said. What the hell was Ryder doing in my house?

"Ryder?" I questioned confused.

"Yeah it's me who else would it be?" he asked as if it was just casual for him to be sitting here in the dark. I walked over and turned on the light, "you gave me a heart attack," I said trying to calm my racing heart.

"How did you even get in?" I questioned confused. I had made sure that my front and back doors were locked including every window downstairs as well.

"I umm came in through your window," he said pointing at it. my eyes widened how did he even get up here. but I felt slight panic, if Ryder can get up to my room through my window can they do that too?

Ryder must have noticed how panicked I was because he cupped my face, "Bella look at me," I looked up into his eyes blue eyes. I could honestly never get sick of them, "I know that you don't want me staying here with you, for some reason. I don't expect you to explain but it would help me sleep at night if I was here and not worrying about you," Ryder's eyes widened and I raised an eyebrow, "it's not that I don't like worrying about you it's just that-" 

"Ryder," I said cutting him off from his rant. 

"yeah," he said staring into my eyes, "I understand just call me next time or something I thought you were a stranger," I said honestly. it had freaked me out because I thought it was them.

I felt Ryder rubbing his thumbs on my cheeks in a soothing manner, "im sorry that I scared you, Bella, that wasn't my intention," I gave him a soft smile knowing that he just wanted me to be safe and that's why he showed up in the first place.

Ryder's hands disappeared from my face and they grabbed my hands. he started to guide me over to the window, "why don't we lock this," he said making sure the window was closed and then locking it. he turned back to me with a comforting smile, "see locked and safe," he said kissing my forehead.

"Now it's late and im tired," he said as he started to pull off his jacket and his shirt letting them stay on the floor then he jumped into my bed and got under the covers and closed his eyes. I was shocked at what he did but happy as well. I turned off the light and crawled into bed getting underneath the covers.

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