Chapter 37

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Ryders Pov

the fib slipped past my lips creating a bitter taste in my mouth. I hate lying to the people I care about, expecially when that person is Bella. but I had to, I kept telling myself it was better this way. in the end I don't need her worrying about me, about this. about the phone call.

she doesn't need my problems added onto everything else she is dealing with. her sorry excuse of a father hasn't been around and doesn't give a fuck about her because he has his ass too far up his work. next, there's Michael, don't even fucking get me started with that asshole. then suddenly the people that had murdered her mother and kidnapped her for years show up out of nowhere.add her anxiety and panic attacks which haven't really been that bad onto the mix and you got yourself a whole lot of stress. she doesn't need my shit added onto it.

staring down at her sleeping form, I took in every little detail I could. not in a creepy way of course. the way she smiled in her sleep when I would caress her soft cheeks with my thumb. the way her cinnamon-brown eyes would light up in excitement. the way she makes me feel this light feeling whenever I'm around her. she looked like an angel. I laid down and wrapped my arms around her trying not to wake her up. once I got situated she snuggled closer to me causing me to smile. I fell asleep with an angel in my arms.

a couple of months ago I would have regret waking up in the morning. it was the same shit but a different day type of thing for me and it was like that for as long as I could remember. but now, waking up to the intoxicating scent of strawberries and vanilla was pure bliss. it made me want to wish to wake up to the smell every day.

looking down at Bella, the side of her face was pressed against my bare chest. her rosy pink lips were parted causing little puffs of warm air to hit my chest. her hair was splayed across the pillows. 

I gentley kissed her forehead savoring the feeling of her soft skin again my lips. then both of her eyes that hid those cinnomin brown orbs that drew me in, her cute little nose, both of her delicate rosy cheeks and lastly her soft pink lips.

she stirred awake causing me to pull away from her soft lips quite reluctantly. she opened her eyes revealing her cinnamon brown orbs. she yawned and used her fists to rub the sleep away from her eyes adorably. I smiled at how cute that was and continued to admire the adorable little one laying before me.

when she removed her fists from her eyes, she blinked at me tiredly and smiled at me. my smile widened and I kissed her forehead, "good morning little one," I spoke playing with a strand of her hair. she smiled at me, quickly kissed my cheek, and rushed off the bed, "good morning" she spoke grabbing her things from a draw that I had cleared out just for her.

I frowned, "what's wrong?" I asked. she shook her head and rushed into the bathroom her cheeks tinted red. I shook my head and continued to lay down for a couple more minutes. about five minutes later I heard the shower turn on and decided to get up and start getting ready for the day. I got up yawning and stretched my limbs hearing a crack or two. I checked my phone and I had a message from grandma about wanting to meet up for dinner with just her, grandpa and Uncle Leo this coming Saturday night. I wondered what that was about? I agreed nonetheless knowing I can't win an argument with grandma. I'll just ask Amelia if she could make plans with Bella so she isn't by herself.

I knocked on the bathroom door, "baby what do you want for breakfast?" I asked through the door. "cereal is okay with me," she spoke loud enough for me to hear her over the shower, "are you sure?" I asked hesitantly. with the amount of stress she goes through each day, I feel that she needs more food so she has more energy throughout the day.

"yeah," she said.

I walked out of my room and into my kitchen. I put a pot to boil some water for Bellas hot chocolate. I grabbing a bowl, spoon and different cereals I had and placed them on the table, and then headed back to my room.

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