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    Jase kissed me. He kissed me?! "I love you, Jenna." Okay....first Nick, and now Jase. What in the world is going on? "Uh. No. This can't happen." I went to stand up, but he pulled me back. "It can though, beautiful. He doesn't have to know." I lost my shit at that point. "How stupid can you be?! You're gonna let him marry me, you're not gonna help, but you wanna kiss me and be "together" I'm assuming?! You're just as crazy as the shithead who brought me here."
       I got up and ran as fast as I could to my room and slammed the door. Here I thought he was nice. Who was I kidding myself. I had hope, but he can't help me. He began beating at the door. "Jenna, open this door. Right. Now. Nick will be back in a couple of hours and we need to talk." I mocked him by beating the door back.
    "Maybe....maybe I should tell him you kissed me and see how that goes! Leave me alone or I'll tell him!" "Move away from the door." And with that he full forced kicked the door down. "Let's go. I'm not playing games anymore." His voice was stern, but I was pissed. "Uh, how about no." He half chuckled. "Look, I think you're adorable when you're pissed, but we have no time to play this. You'll have to forgive me later." Jase picked me up and flung me over his shoulder. I began kicking and punching his back. "Put me down you psycho!" Jase opened a door where it revealed a dark room. No windows nor any lights and he sat down. "I don't think so. Not this bull again!" I went to fight him, but he pulled me into arms and refused to let me move. Why was he doing this to me?
     He acts like he cares about me, yet he's putting me in this dark room. Again. "This is the only place we can talk besides the living room where he can't see or hear, so shut up and let me talk." I froze. What is he going to do to me? Nick can't see or hear me nor him. "Please, don't hurt me. I'm begging you." At this point I was terrified. "I found his room where he keeps the cameras and figured it out. So now it's just you and me beautiful. At least for a few more hours."
    I began crying, because I have no idea what he was capable of. "Look. I know I said I couldn't help you, but I'm gonna try. It's gonna be near impossible. I can't stand to think of him marrying you and not me." Ok? Well this changes things. He might be bipolar. He's obviously got some kind of issue cause he just told me he couldn't. "What do you mean?"
     It was pitch black and I could not see anything. Suddenly, I felt his hand cup my cheek. "I'm gonna take you away from here. We will be happy together. I'll find a way before you have to marry him. You have to trust me." I slapped his hand away. "I'm not going anywhere but home! I'll escape here from the both of you!" I felt Jase's breath in my ear. "You're gonna go with me, Jenna. One way or another. Nick will kill you. Let me save you."

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