Now or Never

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Tonight? I thought. This will be impossible. There is no way we will escape. Absolutely no way. I get it Jase knows this place way better than I do, but Nick will figure it out, right? He's not dumb. I was terrified, but hopeful at the same time. At least if Jase takes me, I'll have a better chance of escaping.
"I promise, I'll get us out of this hell hole. We are going to start a whole new life together." Jase was such an amazing guy, but I wasn't dumb. Jase helped kidnap me. I don't think he's any better than Nick. They're both psycho. Was I falling for him?
     No. No. No! This can not happen! He kidnapped me! Jase punched me! How stupid! Ugh. I began trying to breathe normal again. "We won't be able to escape. He knows everything." I told him. In my mind, I knew I was beginning to fall for this guy, but I knew it was wrong. I needed to just go with it.
     "Just let me take care of it, go and pack some of your things for the way. I'll replace the rest later." I Hesitated. "But....." Jase put his finger to my lips. "Shush. Just go. I got this, beautiful."
      There was no use in fighting him. I wouldn't win this. I had no choice. The only thing is, shit could go bad. Really bad. Really fast. If Nick found out, he'd kill Jase and probably me too. It was scary, but I'd have to do it.
   I went into the closet and packed some clothes, and then I went into the bathroom. I began packing shampoo, conditioner, makeup, and my hair products. I began shaking as I got more anxious and nervous. All I could think about was all the ways this could go wrong. I did not wanna die. I didn't even ask for any of this. Yet, here I am, with two mentally unstable men.
     I locked the bathroom door and began crying. I was scared for my life at this point. Could I really go with Jase? I couldn't stay here. I had no where to go at this point. It was one or the other. Why did they have to chose me? I'm nothing. I'm just a daycare teacher. Well, I was. They've probably replaced me by now.
    I couldn't do this. I couldn't risk Jase's safety. Why did I care about him? He brought me into this mess. He's gonna take me out of here just to take me to another hell. Jase said if I didn't get out of here, Nick would end up killing me. What if I just stayed here and obeyed? Nobody would get hurt.
     That was my decision. I was staying. Eventually, I'd find a way to get out, but I don't want anyone getting hurt. "You about ready, Jenna?" Jase said from outside of the door. "I'm not going." I said through my tears. "You're not gonna get hurt because of me. Just go away."
       "I don't wanna hear that bullshit. We're leaving and I don't care what I have to do. Right now. So, get out." "No!" Jase pounded on the door. "Don't make me come in there, love. I'm giving you five seconds. One...two....three..." I swung the door open. "You both may have kidnapped me, but I'll be damned if you take me away again. You're gonna get us both killed with your wild fantasy of actually escaping here! Nick knows everything, and you know damn well we won't get out of here alive."
     "I've got the cameras on replay. He hasn't heard or seen anything. Now, let's go before he figures it out. I'm getting rid of my phone, so he can't trace us. I'll be switching vehicles, so he can't trace us. I'm way ahead of you love. We don't have much time."
    "I'm not risking it. I'm sorry." Jase put his hands on my arms firmly. "I'm not gonna watch you marry that man, nor am I gonna watch him hurt you. I'm done arguing. It's now or never. We can do this the hard way or the easy way."
     So many thought were going through my mind. I wanted away from Nick, but I don't want to go be forced to live my life with Jase. "I can't. I can't." My head was spinning at this point from all the thoughts. "Well, you can thank me later."
     Jase pushed me on the bed and I began thrashing at him. "Don't touch me!" He held me down with one arm, and began reaching the in the drawe beside my bed. I don't know how but he was much stronger than ever, and no matter how hard I fought, Jase still overpowered me. "What are you doing?! I thought you said you wouldn't hurt me?!" I began panicking because I had no idea what he was doing.
     "I'm doing this because I don't want to hurt you. We need to leave now, and we don't have time to argue." I began fighting harder than ever now as I begged for him to just stop and to leave me alone. He finally pulled out a rag and I knew exactly what he was gonna do. I took in a deep breath as he brought it to my face. I was determined to not inhale. "Gorgeous, it'll make things easier. Just take a deep breathe." I shook my head no. Jase quickly went to my right side and pinched me causing me to inhale.
     "It's now or never, gorgeous." I managed to called him an asshole, before everything went black.

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