Taking a Chance

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    I awoke to a very soft mattress with silk sheets. It felt so amazing. Then reality hit and I sat up. "Take it easy, gorgeous." I heard Nick voice right next to the bed. I said nothing. I remembered him yelling at me and stabbing something in my leg. I did not want to be knocked out again. I just stared at my hands in my lap.
     Please go away. Please. I kept thinking. "Jase is making breakfast. I want you to come down and eat." I shook my head. "I'm not hungry." Nick grabbed my hand and began pulling me up. " I won't take no for an answer. Let's go." I wasn't gonna argue anymore. I did not want to anymore.
     We went into the kitchen and I had never smelt anything so good. Maybe cause I had not really eaten in forever, but I don't know. I sat down at the table. "Hey girl heyyyy." Jase said. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. He brought my plate over and I could not contain myself. There were biscuits with butter and jelly, crunchy bacon(my fav by the way), eggs with cheese and onions, and potatoes with peppers and onions.
     Nick and Jase sat down and brought me chocolate milk to go with it. They began eating as did I. Maybe just maybe it was not so bad.  Nick was, but Jase not so much. He might have hit me that one time, but since then he hasn't hurt me. He's been nice and tries to help me. I glanced for a quick second to look at Jase.
He had beautiful blue eyes. The were so bright and at that moment my heart melted. He had a deep raspy voice, and that beard....I was smiling and did not even realize it.
"You thinking about marrying me? Is that why you're smiling?" Nick said. I looked up at his piercing emerald eyes. Nick was not ugly by no means, but he was a straight up asshole. "No. I was smiling about the food."
"Jase, we both know it's me she's thinking about." He winked and they both started laughing. "Yeah, man. She can't wait." Jase was ok with it? He can't be trusted either obviously. Jase met my eyes and he seen my sadness. Betrayal.
   I put my plate in and silverware in the dishwasher without saying a word. "The lady is coming today with some dresses for you to try on. Obviously, it's bad for a groom to see his bride in her dress before the big day, so I'll be leaving. Jase will be helping you though." I shot daggers at both of them. "And when the fuck is this supposed to happen? You haven't asked me shit about it? Ever think I want a say in all this?" That's when I seen it.
     A knife. Jase betrayed me and Nick just needs to die. I grabbed it quickly and held it out in front of me. Nick clicked his tongue. "Love, what do you think you're doing?" He wasn't scared at all. Neither was Jase. "Let me guess? Plenty of girls have done this before." "Yupp. You won't get far, so I'd suggest you put it down now." I gripped the knife harder and held it at Nick. "Like hell. You are gonna use me and hurt me like every other girl. I'm at least gonna die fighting." Just as I said that, Jase came up behind me. He put one hand harshly around my waist and he quickly grabbed my wrist with the other. Jase put enough pressure to make me stop the knife. "You fucking asshole!" I began thrashing at him, but he refused to let go.
    Nick came and put his hand around my neck and I froze. He put no pressure. It was a threat. "I'm going to go out. I've got shit to do. Behave. I get it you're pissed you have to marry me, but you have to believe you are different from the other girls. I will treat you right and won't have to hurt you. I'll give you everything and anything you want. You're my everything , love. Now, behave. I love you." Nick kissed my cheek and without another word, he was gone.
      "Get away from me. I trusted you!" Jase let me go, and without thinking, I turned around and slapped him. I could see the anger on his face. "Ok. I deserved that. I couldn't just disagree! He would know." At the moment, I felt so so so stupid. "Oh..." I hung my head down.
      He pulled me into him and began kissing me and I kissed back. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. I don't know what was running through my mind other than he was going to protect me and he actually cared. "I'm getting you out of here. He's already put his hands on you. We're leaving. Tonight."

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