Chapter 1- Ripples in the calm waters

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Dhvani Mishra looked around at the familiar and new faces attending the morning briefing. Red Eagle, the PR company that she worked at had quite a few of these, but never one with practically every single employee in attendance.

"I wonder what this meeting is about. Everyone is here. Even the web developers have been forced out of their hideouts. Something definitely big," Dhvani whispered.

"I just hope it is related to Kritika Ma'am retiring or resigning," Sasha whispered back.

Dhvani laughed and took a sip of her coffee. "She is only 54. I think there are a few more years before she thinks about retirement. And she loves this company way too much to hand it over to anyone."

"Well, then I hope she is taking a long vacation. At least for five years or till I find a better job," Mihika, Dhavni's other colleague, chimed.

"Or she has finally decided that she is going to do something worthwhile with the company. Instead of cleaning up other people's mess," Chinoy Sir, a Senior Account Executive at their company, added. As a senior employee, he got away with a lot of stuff that no one would be able to, and he made sure he used that to his advantage.

Before anyone could guess anything else, Kritika walked in with a massive smile on her face.

"Good morning, everyone!" She wished with such feigned sweetness that Dhvani had to put her coffee away with fear because she felt like she might get heartburn. "I have some important and exciting news to share with you, but before that I want you all to be on your A-game for the next couple of months. Each one of you."

"We always do our best, Kritika," Chinoy Sir said nonchalantly. "Just give us the good news so we can be on our merry way." He rolled his eyes as he said the last part was making everyone pinch their lips together to stop them from breaking into peals of laughter.

"I am getting to that Chinoy," Kritika snapped. "Also fix that attitude of yours." She pointed a perfectly manicured red nail at Chinoy, and he just scoffed in return. She gave out an exasperated sigh and trudged along with a smile. "Anyways, the good news is that we have a new client. A huge client."

"Is it Shahrukh Khan?" A web developer asked making everyone in the room cheer.

Kritika gave the young man a death glare for interrupting her. "No. It is not Shahrukh Khan." She placed her hands on the table and leaned forward to look at all of the team members with a grin similar to that of a five-year-old who had been permitted to eat chocolate cake for breakfast.

The anticipation in the room grew as Kritika paused too long from dramatic effect. "It is Shaurya Gupta," she piped up from the front of the room.

Dhvani cringed when she saw Kritika cover her mouth to stop herself from giggling and blushing like a sixteen-year-old. She forced herself to stop breathing at the mention of his name. Too afraid to breathe in case she missed Kritika saying something like 'Ha! Ha! Ha! Got you. Our actual client is a local company that needs help selling their lingerie in a small town.'

"Shaurya Gupta. The cricketer?" Sasha squealed from beside Dhvani.

"What other celebrity is named Shaurya Gupta?" Kritika questioned, shaking her head.

Loud and excited chatter filled the conference room, but Dhvani couldn't hear anything except the blood roaring in her ears.

"We were in talks with Mr.Gupta's agent, and he just gave us a green signal last night. Red Eagle is officially Shaurya Gupta's PR team," Kritika announced clapping her hands in joy.

No, Kritika Ma'am! That's not you are supposed to say.

"I have taken great consideration for who will be working with him on this project. Do you remember the dummy client that I gave all you Account Directors? It was for today." Kritika paused again for dramatic effect. "It is going to be Dhvani! Give her a round of applause, everyone."

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