Chapter 8- The photoshoot

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"Hey!" Lucky wished when he opened the door for Dhavni. "Come in!"

"Hi!" She greeted back as she entered the hotel suite.

Dhvani didn't know why the company was spending so much money on a 3-hour shoot.

When they entered the large bedroom, they found Shaurya sitting on the bed and playing on his phone. "The team said they would be here in fifteen minutes." She said a little flustered with all the running around. "I swear they are an excellent team, but their flight was late from Hyderabad."

"This is so unprofessional!" He snarled that both Dhvani and Shaurya were taken aback by the abrasiveness of his tone. "We have been waiting here for almost one and half hour. Do you realize what that means for the great cricketer Shaurya Gupta? Where the hell is your sense of professionalism?"

Shaurya sat up a little straight ready to tell Lucky to calm down and that it wasn't that big of a deal because things like this happened sometimes, but when Lucky began laughing, he shook his head and went back to his phone.

"Your face, Dhvani!!!!" Lucky said in between his laughing fit. "Look at her, Shaurya! She looks like she is going to cry."

That made Shaurya look up at her, and at the same time, she looked in his direction. They both stared at each other for a second before diverting their gaze.

Lucky stopped laughing and took a huge breath to calm down. "Relax! It happens. Sit down."

Dhvani smiled and on an instinct hit him on his arm. "You are still a dumbass."

He grinned and did a little bow. "Have a seat."

Dhvani began shaking her head; however, Lucky was having none of it. "Sit with us till they come." He demanded as he walked her backwards by her shoulders and pushed her on the couch.

"Honestly! I am so sorry about today." She apologized as she took the can of soft drink that Lucky passed her.

Shaurya scoffed loudly, "Lucky, you are fortunate. The daughter of the great Hariprakash Mishra is apologizing." He said not taking his eyes off his phone.

"Don't bring my father into this!" Dhvani snapped. "I see you are still in the habit of blaming my father for everything that goes wrong with your life."

Shaurya put his phone away and got ready for a fight. To tell her that her exactly what her father had done.

"Oooookkaaay!!!" Lucky clapped his hands and stood in between Dhvani and Shaurya. He was trying to stop them from breaking out into another fight.

Both Shaurya and Dhvani backed down.

"So, how is life now? Anything new?" Lucky asked as he sat beside her. Ignoring the scowl on Shaurya's face.

'I have a son now who is a replica of your friend in almost every aspect.' She wanted to say, "Nothing. The same old. I am a boring person, you know, but I see you have stopped chasing your dream of becoming a CEO of a multinational software company."

He laughed and shook his head. "What can I say? Family and friendship brought me back. You live by yourself?"

"No.... with Trupti." She said, measuring her words.

"Oh! I see." Lucky said, getting up to get himself another drink.

Shaurya and Dhvani looked at each other again, but this time not in hatred.

Lucky sat down again with a glass of water in his hand. "So... I didn't see her in a Bollywood film yet."

"She has done a few advertisements and a few cameos here and there in TV shows, but she is in talks for a web series."

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