Chapter 12- You, me, and room

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Author's note: Here is the next chapter. I hope you guys like it.❤ Please vote and comment if you guys did. The vote and comment ratio to the reads is very low. If you guys don't want to read it further I will understand and there won't be any hard feelings, but please let me know.

"Dhruv, how many times have I told you to keep your things properly?" She scolded as she stood near the dining table while he sat on the couch, hovering over the coffee table. "What are you doing there? You still haven't eaten your breakfast. The school bus will be here."

When Dhruv still didn't move or answer, Dhvani yelled his name again.

"One minute!" He yelled back. "I am busy."

"Busy doing what? Dhruv, don't make me angry." She warned as she walked to the kitchen to pack their lunch.

"Good morning!" Trupti greeted as she walked into the house. Dhruv didn't move from his spot; instead turned his back to her so she couldn't see what he was doing.

Dropping her gym bag on the floor, she straight away went to the kitchen to grab water. "What is Mr. Junior Gupta doing?"

"He has told me not to look." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

Just then, Dhruv ran up to the table and sat down in excitement, almost knocking the chair back.

Dhvani noticed him putting something on the table beside his plate. "What is this?" She asked as she picked up the folded piece of paper.

"Invitation for my birthday party." He replied with his mouthful of the omelette Dhvani had made for him.

"But your Mumma has already bought invitation cards for your party." Trupti pointed out.

"It is for my Papa. Mumma says if you hand-make something for someone, they like it better. I can't take any chances. He has to like me." Dhruv said adamantly. "Can you give it to Papa, Mumma?"

Dhvani cleared her throat to fight back the choking and nodded. She looked at the card and his squiggly and tiny writing along with stick figures of him and his father. The effort he had put into the card made Dhvani emotional. Would Shaurya have the same feelings as her? Would his son's efforts move him?

Dhruv visibly relaxed when Dhvani agreed to give his father the invitation. "I love you, mumma." He said with a grin.

Trupti looked up at Dhvani with a small smile. "Have you invited all your friends?"

Dhruv shook his head. "I am going to do it tomorrow. Did you know my Papa looks like me? Mumma told me."

Trupti gave him a surprised look while Dhvani turned around and went to her bedroom.

"Maasi will take you to the bus stop," Dhvani said from behind the closed door of her room.

"Maasi, you look beautiful today." Dhruv complimented as they waited together at the bus stop.

"What do you want?" Trupti raised an expectant eyebrow at him. The only time he would ever compliment her was when he needed something.

Reaching into his backpack, he pulled out another similar hand, made a card and handed it to Trupti.

Trupti smiled when she read the contents of the card. "You want to invite Shaurya to your birthday party?"

Dhruv nodded enthusiastically. "Can we, Maasi?" Dhruv repeatedly asked as he hopped on the ground.

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