Chapter 27- A 7 year old boy

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Author's note: I am back after a long break. I promise new chapters will be more consistent. That being said hope you guys enjoy reading the chapter. Please don't forget to vote and comment. I would really appreciate it 😊

P.S. We have a new cover! I promise I won't change it anymore😊😊 Also, a new precap on Instagram for all my followers.❤

Shaurya parked his vehicle in the parking under the building feeling heavy-hearted and guilty for leaving Dhvani and Dhruv alone that night, but Dhvani hadn't asked him to stay, and he didn't want to push it.

After Haripraksh Mishra had left, Shaurya guided Dhvani to the couch where she sat and cried for what seemed like hours. He really had no idea of what to say to Dhvani, so he just held her close to him and comforted her through his silence and soft kisses to the top of her head. They were both finally forced to separate when Trupti sent a warning message of Dhruv and her arrival.

"Where is Nanu?" Dhruv had asked with a confused look when he returned with a paan in hand. Clearly, the child wanted to be the one to give it to his grandfather. As Shaurya ran his hand on Dhruv's face, he couldn't help marvel at the fact how much Dhruv was a mix of Dhvani and him. If he had his stubbornness, he also had her kind heart that couldn't see the bad and evil in people.

When Dhruv found out his grandfather had left without even a good bye, he had been upset. He ran and fell on the bed and then cried uncontrollably as he hid his face in the pillow. On one hand, Dhruv cried in the bedroom and other hand Dhvani cried in the living room while Shaurya and Trupti stood stunned and confused as to who they should console first. Soon, Dhvani collected herself and talked to Dhruv. Explaining to him that his grandfather had a very urgent matter to attend to wasn't an easy task, but she managed. Dhruv finally stopped crying when Trupti reminded him of his father coming down to visit him. Dhruv's reaction to his grandfather leaving was understandable. While most of his school friends had both parents, siblings, and most probably an extended family, but Dhruv only had his mother and Maasi till now. He had just been shown a dream of having another family member and then it was taken away from him. Shaurya and Dhvani sighed when Dhruv finally fell asleep. As parents, their hearts felt like they were being ripped out, but this was for the best.

Shaurya rang the doorbell and was greeted by a house help. "Is Priya at home?" He asked bitterly.

The man nodded. "She is in her office. A producer and director have come to discuss their new script." He informed and followed Shaurya to Priya's office.

Priya looked up at him in surprise before it turned into a smile. "Hi, Shaurya!" She greeted as she stood up and made her way towards him to hug him.

He coolly stepped aside, making it crystal clear that he didn't want to be touched by her. The producer and director in the office exchanged glances. "I want to talk to you. Right now!" He snapped.

Priya felt the panic rising. Why was Shaurya talking to her like that? He never spoke to her like that. Did he find out the truth? Had Dhvani told him everything? And did he believe her?

"We can come back tomorrow." The producer offered and stood up.

"No, please." Priya smiled and gestured for them to continue sitting. She wanted to prolong this confrontation as much as possible. It would give her time to come up with a plan.

"I need 15 minutes," Shaurya said, gnashing his teeth. "If you could wait outside only for 15 minutes, then I'll be gone."

The men stood up despite Priya's unsuccessful efforts to keep them in the room.

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