Chapter 16- Truth- A two sided coin

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That night when Shaurya returned from the hospital, he just sat there in the darkness and silence, feeling lethargic to even turn on the lights.

After some time his phone rang, he answered his phone even though he didn't want to.

"Hello, Shaurya," Lucky's voice greeted from the other side. "I dropped them off."

"Thank you." Shaurya curtly replied. "Bye!"

"Wait!" Lucky said when Shaurya was about to hang up. "I am sorry." He spoke after a short spurt of silence.

"I can't believe you were a part of this," Shaurya said. The hurt that one of his closest friends had betrayed him like this was evident in his tone.

"I was just-"

"Nothing you say is going to make this right." Shaurya interrupted. "I'll talk to you later." He quickly ended the call. Right now, his emotions were all over the place, and he didn't want to say anything that ruined his friendship forever.

As he sat quietly, he tried to give Dhvani the benefit of the doubt. Think of justifications for her actions, but he couldn't. Even if she didn't want to continue their relationship, they could have at least be co-parents to Dhruv.

Dhruv.... his son.... whose first six years of life he had missed because of his wife's ego.

Looking up to the ceiling, he half laughed, and half cried at his fate. What sins had he committed that his personal life had turned out like this? Ever since he was 16, he had decided that there were only two people that he wanted to work hard for- Dhvani and his father.

"Papa!" He called out. "Do you hear me?" He asked. "Remember what you always used to say to me? 'Take care of Dhvani. She is a very good girl and loves you a lot. Don't break her heart.'" He laughed out loud and wiped his tears and nose with the back of his hand. "But I wish you told her the same thing... How could she hide such a big thing from me? What if Dhruv hates me for not being there for him in the last six years?" That's when he remembered how upset he was when he found out that his father wasn't going to be there at his birthday party. He hated that his son was ridiculed for not having a father like he was dead.

As he sat on the bed, the same overwhelming feeling of being lost and being a total failure took over just like that uneventful night when he returned home and realized that Dhvani had just left home without any explanation or discussion. She had even left her phone there. What did that mean?

Angry and frustrated at her, he never called her or tried to make any contact with her for the next three days. He finally went to her father's house to talk to Dhvani after his father had forced him to.

"Sorry, Sir." The security guard shook his head. "I can't let you in without Haripraksh Sir's permission."

Shaurya chuckled in disbelief. "You are new here. Aren't you?"

"Just joined last month." The security guard replied.

"I am Dhvani's husband." Shaurya clarified. "You know Haripraksh Mishra's daughter."

"I know who Dhvani Madam is, but I don't who you are." He looked at him in suspicion.

Shaurya groaned in annoyance. He hadn't expected his father-in-law ever to like him, but this was even a new low for him. "Fine, then can you please call Dhvani and tell her that her husband is here to take her back home."

"I don't think so, but-" the security guard began, but just then, the guard that Shaurya was acquainted with came by.

"Sultan bhai," Shaurya smiled at the older guard. "This guy doesn't recognize me, but can you please let me in? I need to talk to Dhvani."

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