Chapter 3 Who's mate?!

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Ahem. Enjoy.


His grip on my arm tightens when I try to get away.

"Marcus!" I hiss. "Your claws are in my arm!"

But he just squeezes more.

When Aubrey told us, we both saw our lives flash before our eyes when he yanked us off the bed and downstairs. He was bringing us outside. So, seeing that, Aubrey left me, and now she won't come back out. And it's ticking me off that my wolf is such a chicken. 

I'm not a chicken, I just think that you could learn how to deal with a situation like this. Like, I don't know for sure if it was him. If it was, he can sure mask his scent very well.

Before I can say anything, she blocks me out, and I return my attention to Marcus.

Marcus is a nice wolf, really. But when he gets pissed off, you'd better beg for mercy. I can see that his eyes are going from black to Damon's eye colour, though, because Damon can see that Marcus is hurting me. I just hope he can win. Maybe he can push Marcus back and actually help me, instead of needing help himself.


He spins around, nostrils flaring, panting like a madman. And when he does, it drags his claws further down my arm.

"Marcus, stop!"

His eyes change, and I can tell it's Damon.

Damon immediately lets go of my arm, and inspects it. Then he growls. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine. What was Marcus doing?" I shiver in the cold air.

Damon recognizes that, and hugs me close. 

Because a certain somebody wasn't helping me stay warm... Aubrey.

"He was bringing you into the woods to see if he could catch a scent. Then he was gonna ask your wolf if she could smell anything. And if not, he'd let me have control. If so, then he'd protect you all night." He rubs a hand over his face and pinches his nose. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault... But it is your fault that we aren't inside, yet, and I'm freezing my ass off."

He looks down at my butt, playfully. "Looks fine to me," he grins.

"Ew!" I wrench away from his grip. "You're my cousin!"

"You're right. But that one time that I got into a crash, you took glass shards out of my ass. An ass for an ass."

"I'm pretty sure it's an eye for an eye."

"Whatever. I was just making sure it wasn't falling off, 'cause then Aunt Raina would get me in shit."

"I'm sure Mom would realize it's my fault for coming out here in my pajamas. Now, are you coming, or not?"

I turn around and head back inside, leaving him in the snow.


I feel the bed dip.

It's just Marcus.

I thought that he let Damon take control.

I don't know. Maybe he lost it again. I may be a wolf, but I do not read minds.

"We need to talk."

I pretend I'm sleeping.

He huffs. "Ellana. Answer me."

I still don't move.

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