Chapter 18 Moon Goddess

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I wake up, but there's no bright lights. There's no loud noises. I'm perfectly fine. But I'm no longer with Jack.

I gasp and look around. I'm in a clearing in the woods. I'm not actually anywhere near him, I'm guessing.

I stand up and start running. I don't know where I am. I need to get back to Jack. I soon see a little pond off in the distance. 

I shift into Aubrey without hesitation or any thoughts whatsoever. 

I'm at the pond in a few seconds. When I get there, I shift back.

But, it's what I see next that terrifies me. A shadow behind me.

I jerk my head up. But to my surprise, it's just a young lady.

"Hello. Do you know where I am? Can you help me?"

She laughs quietly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude." I suddenly find myself on my knees. 

What was that for?

That's the Moon Goddess! Show some respect!

"Oh my God! I am so sorry! I didn't realize it was you! Please forgive me."

She laughs a little more. "Of course, Darling."

He voice was so sweet. I've heard different people see her in different ways. But, she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

"Why, thank you," she smiles.

I choke and stand up. "You can read my thoughts?"

"Yes, dear child."

So, that means, if I chose to think really dirty thoughts, she could hear them?

"Yes, Aubrey," the Moon Goddess speaks softly.

My wolf jumps around excitedly in my mind.

"Moon Goddess, is there a reason that I'm here?"

I almost saw a frown on her face. She points at the water. "Look down, Darling."

I do as she says. And I see Jack. I see the doctors. I see me.

Jack rubs his jaw, then barks some orders at the doctors. He kneels down beside me, and starts shaking. He looks back up not ten seconds later with tear streaked cheeks. He yells something, then buries he face into my side.

I stumble backwards.

The Moon Goddess catches me in her arms.

"Am I... Am I dead?" I look up at her.

She doesn't look at me.

I scoff in disbelief. "No way. I didn't even do anything. He came in and accused me of taking pills.  But they're only for My depression and stuff. Is that why Aubrey wouldn't talk to me? Because of the prescription? Is that why she was trapped?"

Before I could ask any questions, she cut me off. "No. You're very alive. Well, here, you are. You're dead to them, right now."

"Are you serious?!"

"Hush, child. Listen. I will send you back once I answer one more question you have."

"Why wouldn't Aubrey talk to me?"

"Jack's doctor."

Then a white light overcomes me.


I gasp and jolt upright.


I wince in pain. My headache and stomach pains are back.

I lay back down.

Jack strokes my head. He sobs, "Ellana..."

"Doctor..." I mumble.

"Shh, Meine Geliebete. The doctor is here." (My love)

"No..." I mumble. My lips are so dry, as well as my throat. "Your... doctor..."

"Doctor Douche?" I can hear the playfulness in his voice.

I nod.

"What about him?"

I start to fall back asleep again. "No... Stay... Awake... Bad... News..."

He calls to my old pack's doctor for an energy shot. 


"Give it to me!"

A couple seconds go by, and Jack whispers into my ear, "This'll hurt a little, darling, but I need to help you. You can't leave me." I feel a little prick, then I can feel the adrenaline shot pumping into my blood stream. Then I get stabbed again.

After a minute or two, I start feeling a little more awake. It's working.

Jack helps me sit up. He holds an ice cube to my lips.

"Doctor... Stabbed me..."

"Doctor Douche did what?"

"Hit my head..."

"When you hit your head..." I don't know how he understands me.

"You and me... hospital..."

"I took you to the hospital, yes?"

"Doctor... Needle..."

"The needle he gave you? What was it for?"

I make a cutting motion across my throat.

"It was... to kill you?"

"I talked to the... the Moon Goddess."

"What did she say?"

"She-she... said... the needle is for..."


"Killing... Aubrey." It was too hard to get that out. I'm very much awake now, but I still feel awful, and I can barely speak. The room tilts side to side when I open my eyes. "I-I-"

"Shh... It's okay. Don't talk."

I lazily slap his hand away from my face. "No! The pills were... for... not for... my wolf. They were mine... I would... not hurt. Her. No."

He rocks me back and forth. "I know. I'm sorry. I overreacted. Will you forgive me? Can we start over after this?"

I nod slowly.

"Doc, the Epinephrine shots are supposed to last fifteen minutes each," Jack says.

"They might not have worked very well, Alpha."

"No, they're supposed to work."

"Alpha, with all due respect, she is weak and needs-"

"Go away!" He yells. "Just... Go!"


"What did I fucking tell you?! Go. Away! Leave us alone!"

The room goes silent as soon as the door creaks closed.

Jack seems as if he can understand that I'm uncomfortable, because he changes his position.

"Stomach," I say.

He rolls me over, making sure my head is still supported. He then subs my back, trying to soothe me. I have too much energy to fall asleep, but it's nice that he's trying. Or at least that's what I think.

Next thing I know, I'm dreaming.

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