Chapter 51 Alisha

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Finished exams today!!!


My own heavy breathing wakes me up.

What day is it? How many days have I counted? I don't remember where I left off. Twelve?

I groan as I attempt to move my arm.

It lays there, still. It seems as if it's going to be dormant forever.

I open my eyes, shielding them with my other hand.

A bear trap is clasped around my left arm.

I sit up slowly, leaning against whatever is behind me.

My surroundings consist of a bright forest. Not that I'm in a clearing, it's just very bright.

A rabbit hops past me, as if I mean nothing.

I probably do look very deadly, though. My shirt is torn. I swear not one inch on me isn't covered in blood or scabbed over. You probably can't even see my bruises, anymore.

I think about getting my phone, but even if I did have it... nevermind. I never have it. Who am I kidding?

Now is not the time to start talking to yourself. Let's get going.

"If you couldn't tell, I'm fucking trapped."

You're a werewolf, excuse you.

I roll my eyes, which springs a migraine.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I roll to the side, and set my foot and my hand on the clamp, then pull it straight off without hesitation.

Why the hell would you do that?!

I glance at my arm as I stand. "I don't feel the pain, so we're good."

Do you not understand the definition of good?!

I lean on the tree for support. "Here we go, Accalia. One step at a time. Right foot."

I'm not helping you. You're stupid and dumb. You're impulsive.

I frown. "Fine, bitch. You're an asshole."

I trip a little, and I realize this place looks a little familiar.

My vision crosses, and I start to see purple blotting my vision.

I see a figure run across my field of vision, which is very limited.

"Hey..." I slur. No. Not what I meant to say. Agh. "Heyyyy." No. Stop! I grunt in frustration, but it comes out as a little squeak.

Fuck! This think just whammied my whole body. Excuse-


"Atticus!" Elisa screams.

I'm upstairs in two seconds.

"What?!" I push my mate behind me, shielding her from whatever possible dangers awaited her.

I frown, looking around Ellana's bedroom.

Elisa smacks my arm. "I'm not helpless, you know." She sashays over to Ellana's side. "It's alright, Ellie. I'm here."

I raise an eyebrow. "What?"

My mate holds Ellana's body to her. "You know, we've become very close over the past few years..."

I stretch my neck. "Elisa. What happened?"

"I told you. SHe moved."

"There's no way." I check the monitor. Elisa is a nurse, so I guess she did something to get this equipment.

"I swear on my life. Her hand moved."

"Babe." I rub her back. "Are you sure?"

She looks into my eyes for a few seconds, before turning back to Ellana. "Why do you doubt me?"

"Elisa, it's just that you've been spending a lot of time up here. Is there any chance that you could've imagined it?"

Elisa stands, not nearly matching my height. She stands on her tiptoes, then pouts. "I promise you, Atticus. I know it was real."

I give her a quick peck on the lips before turning. "Alright, then. I believe you."


I hiss and block my eyes.

I bolt upright, immediately regretting it. I lean over the edge of the bed, vomiting all over the floor.

I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. "Shit," I breathe out, shakily. "That can't be good."

A blur in the corner of my vision has me alert, and in the opposite corner of the room in no time.

A young woman stares back at me.

"Agh, fuck." I look at myself, then around the room. I had ripped a tube out of my body when I jumped off the makeshift bed.

I hold my stomach to stop the bleeding.

"Please, sit back down," she whispers.

"Who are you?"

"Please, sir."

I'm fucking tired of people ignoring my questions. It's always the same thing. "Where in the fucking hell am I?"

"That tube was keeping you alive, Mister."

"I'm a fucking alpha! Where am I?!"

She quivers in her little corner. "I found you in the woods. I was out for a walk. You were talking nonsense for hours. I saved your life. Let me explain. Please sit down."

"I will stay right here, thank you!" I take a look around the tent, and grab a random roll of duct tape, wrapping it  around my stomach.

"I took it upon myself to survive in the wilderness as long as I could."

"Duct tape is definitely on the list of essentials for survival." I set it on the edge of the bed. "SO what are you? Are you a rogue?"

She scoffs. "No. What's that?"

I nod. "Right. And you just so happened to have a random tube around?"

She blushes. "Well, I actually can't eat solids. I need the tube to eat."

I stare at the ripped up thing on the ground. Heat creeps up my neck and touches my ears. "Uh..." I clear my throat. "How long have I been here?"

"Just a few days."

I motion towards the dirt. "Can you still use... that?"

"Well, I sort of gave it up when I gave it to you, so you could eat. You looked starved."

I snort. "I was."


"Nothing. Anyway, uh... How about I bring you someplace to get a new one of those things?"

She nods.

"Well, where are we?" I suddenly realize my senses have improved quite a bit. "What did you feed me?"

"We're about two miles from where I found you."

I pinch my nose, closing my eyes in frustration. "I don't know how long a mile is."

"About three kilometers."

"Okay." I look at the opening in the tent. "Should we go then? I can buy you a new... food thing?"

She looks a little hesitant.

"Alright. My name is Jack. Yours?"


"Okay. Alisha. You can trust me. I can find my way back home. How far are we from the city?"

"The city is one mile that way." Alisha points behind me.

I raise an eyebrow. "And that is..."

"I'm sorry. Approximately one and a half kilometers."

"Then, we're going to the city."

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