Chapter 27 Doo Fruit Linen

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Guys! I had the best memory today. Does anybody remember 3-2-1 Penguins??? It was one of the best shows ever. Honestly, I miss it so much. I just spent half an hour watching an episode. Iwas in integrated tech when I remembered it. I was like "3... 2... 1... Peng-uinssss!" And seriously, if you don't know what show I'm talking about, go check it out.

77 votes guys... 2.4 k views... Thank you so much. I'm also gonna use Schäfer, Wolff, and Becker for last names.


"Just go, Ellana."


"Ellana. Leave."

"Why can't I stay? It's just training."

"Ellana, next time I tell you to leave, I won't be using my words."

Bitch, that don't make no sense.

I cross my arms. "You can't make me leave with just your words, so I dare you to touch me."

He runs a hand over his face. "You are so fucking stubborn," he mumbles. He sighs and makes his way to me, as I watch his every move. He stops dead center in my field of vision and crosses his arms also, making his muscles show a little more. "Start training!" He slightly turns his head to the group forming behind him.

Then I'm thrown over his shoulder.

"When I dared you to touch me-"

"You knew I would, because I'm your mate."

"No, actu-"

"You'd better smarten up, because we're having the ceremony in a couple days."

"Can we just-"


"Um, excuse me? No. I was not done speaking. Shut your pie hole."

He grumbles incoherent words under his breath as he walks up the staircase to his front door.

"As I was saying, can we put off the ceremony?"


"We can just say I got sick, or something-"

"No." He opens the door.

"Well, I think we could. I know we could."

He sets me down and closes the door.

"It's just... You don't want to wait that long."

He just stares at me and clenches his jaw. He opens his mouth to speak, but closes it.



"No, seriously."

He goes to open the door, but I run over and block it.

"Move, Ellana."


Touch him... Touch him... You should've said 'make me'. Then he would've. 

That's exactly why I didn't.

He analyzes my face.

"Tell me what you were going to say."

"Du wirst der Tod von mir sein, Frau." (You are going to be the death of me, woman.)

"That doesn't help," I frown. "I don't speak German."

"Du wirst schon früh genug Deutsch lernen." (You'll catch on the German soon enough.)

I roll my eyes and walk away. Fine. Be that way.

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