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"Hey Lana!" My dad says over the phone "I can't pick you up from the airport, I have a meeting, so I'm sending over a driver for you"

Like always my dad was pushing his fatherly duties on someone else .... "Okay, it's whatever" I roll my eyes.

"Okay, I'll see you tonight honey"

"Unless you send someone to eat dinner with me too.." I mumble under my breath, hoping he'll catch it.

"I love you too, bye!" He hangs up.

I look around for a seating area, dragging my luggage behind me. I walk over and sit down next to an older lady, who looks up at me and immediately switches seats. Yup, I'm definitely back in America where we can't just love each other with our differences and embrace all. I make eye contact with her and just smile, kill them with kindness.

An hour goes by and finally I received a text from the driver. I grab my luggage bags and haul them outside, looking around until I hear a honk.

"Ms. Lana?" A man steps out of a black Mercedes, walking towards me to grab my bags.

I nod, handing him my things and climb into the backseat of the car. The driver gets in the car and turns to look at me.

"You've grown since the last I've seen you" he says.

"A few years in a European boarding school and 2 years of college in Germany does that to you" I shrug.

"Well, it's good to have you home" he smiles.

I vaguely remember half the names of dad's drivers, so I don't really recognize this man. It has been six years since I've been in the states, can you blame me?

I head upstairs and toss my bags onto my old twin size bed. Well ... I'm going to have to buy a new one ... I shake my head. I'm honestly going to have to update this whole room while I'm at it.

-ping- Chauncey

-did you make it home?"-

-Yup, I miss you-


-I miss you too-

I wasn't too happy I had to leave my boyfriend, Chauncey, in London but I kind of missed home. Plus, dad wanted me home and for once? I didn't want to refuse. I unpack my stuff and head downstairs to see what's in the kitchen to eat.

Oreos. Wheat bread. Fruit loops. Raisin Bran. Bottled water. Ritz bits. Pistachios ... what the fuck up is up with this man's cabinet ?! Argh! Food shopping is an order too!

I. Hate. Walmart. I didn't miss this shit when I was in Europe! Not even the fact that I had to use maps to get here, but I have gotten: the back of my ankle skimmed twice by shopping buggies, elbowed, stepped on by a small child, and I hit my humorous on a shelf. My anxiety is through a roof and I'm only halfway done!

"Excuse me," I hear a female voice behind me "can I get past you for a second?"

I turn away from the shelf I've been staring at for the past 4 minutes, and I give her a glance over. For probably too long honestly, and I slide to my right. She is absolutely gorgeous. She's about 5'8, long dark hair, and chestnut brown eyes. She grabs a box of green tea, puts in it her cart, and walks away. Stop staring, dumb ass! She looks back at me and smiles, before heading around the corner. Well that wasn't embarrassing at all ... just got caught staring at a very pretty girl ... that's not awkward at all ...

I finish my shopping before heading to my dad's Mercedes parked outside. While putting my things away in the car, a male stops next to me

"Need some help?" He asks, looking from me to the cart full of groceries

"No thanks" I shake my head, "I got it"

"Are you sure?" He asks, looking at me then the cart again, "It's really not a bother"

"I'm sure, thank you" I nod, picking up a few bags at a time and placing them in the trunk. Trying to get him to realize I got this and he can go away now

"Okay" He nods, looking around before walking away into the parking lot

I hear the front door open just as I turn the oven off in the kitchen "Lana! I'm home!" My dad yells from the door.

"In the kitchen, dad" I call back.

It takes him a few seconds before he enters the kitchen, placing his briefcase next to the doorway.

"What are you cooking?" He comes over next to me, looking at the glass pan in my hands.

"Baked chicken, kale salad, and quinoa" I put the chicken pan down and point out each item.

"Sounds good" My dad goes to grab a plate from a cabinet.

"I had to go to the store to restock your kitchen... It looks like an old man lives here alone" I half smile at my joke.

"Very funny" My dad laughs.

It's weird being back around him again. I haven't really seen him since I left, maybe a Christmas or two in the past 7 years since he shipped me off to Europe. When my mom died, it wasn't as bad an occasion as it should have been. Knowing how she was ... it kind of relieved us both.

We eat in silence for a while before he begins to lighten up.

"So how was Europe?" My dad asks

"It was okay" I shrug, "I mean 4 years in London then 3 years in university, who wouldn't love it?"

"Yea..." My dad playing with his quinoa.

"You know you shouldn't play with your food, right?" I joke, giving him a playful smirk.

"I know" He laughs a little.

How to Fall... Without Trying To (GirlxGIRL)Where stories live. Discover now