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Kace throws his arms around my waist as we stand in the line at the grocery store, nuzzling his chin on my shoulder. We've been standing in this line for nearly 10 minutes, and I can tell he's getting a little impatient

"Impatient much?" I laugh, gripping the shopping buggy in my hands

"A little" He shrugs, shuffling from one foot to the next

"I can tell" I smile, turning around to kiss him on his lips, "We're almost done"

"So close, yet so far away" He shakes his head, "I cannot wait to eat your spaghetti tonight, and this line is in the way of that"

"You will be fine" I pat him on the shoulder just as the lady in front of us finally pays for her items. We place the food on the conveyer belt and the cashier starts to ring it all in one by one

"That will be $43.67" She says after scanning the last item

I pull out my card to pay, but Kace beats me to it and pays for it instead

"Thank you, have a great rest of your day"

"You too!" I smile, taking the bags and moving them into the cart. We head to his car and he pops his trunk open, helping me place the bags in the trunk , "Thanks for paying for the food, Kace. You didn't have to"

"I wanted to" He shrugs, "I'm going to eat most of it anyways"

"Oh really?" I raise my eyebrows, shutting his trunk

"Yes, really" He gives me a cheesy smile, "I appreciate you cooking for me, and mom frowned on leftovers"

"I'll take it as a compliment if there aren't leftovers" I shrug

"Young man, can you help me with putting these away" An older woman asks from the car next to us, I look into her buggy to see a few heavier bags in her cart

"Sure" Kace shrugs, walking over to lend a helping hand

He's sweet and a little bit of a sucker for helping people, but I find it charming. You don't find that kind of thing in people these days, but he just is one of the special ones that I adore because he's such a sweet person. He finishes helping the lady then we finally get in the car to go to my place

"That was sweet of you to help her" I smile, taking his hand in mine

"I guess" he shrugs, "she needed help so I helped"


"This is so good" Kace shoves a fork full of spaghetti into his mouth, "I don't know what you did? But it was so good!"

"I did the damn thing!" I laugh, twirling spaghetti on my fork

"You really did" He shoves another fork full of spaghetti into his mouth, "So good"

"You're eating like you've never eaten in your life!" I shake my head, lifting the spaghetti to my mouth, "I'm telling your mom"

"She'll understand" He laughs

"I'm sure she will"

We eat in silence for the rest of the meal, and when we are done he helps me wash the plates and dishes from making dinner. When we finish, Kace and I sit on the couch to watch TV

"What are we watching?" I ask, handing him the remote

"I don't know" He shrugs, "If you let me pick it, we're watching Spider-Man"

"I don't mind Spider-Man"

"Oh really?" He raises his eyebrows, "Are you just saying that so I will pick a movie?"

How to Fall... Without Trying To (GirlxGIRL)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat