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I look up to see a black SUV speeding past me, going 60 in a 35 speed zone. That's not okay... I cut my lights on and move in on him, turning my short siren on. The car doesn't stop, and I have to keep chasing it. What the hell? I pick up my radio to request back up

"Requesting back up, I have a car not—" I stop, seeing and hearing the crash, "shit!"

I hit my brakes so hard, I feel like I might mess them up if I slam on them any harder

"24-14, what kind of back up do you need?" The dispatcher asks

"I have a wreck caused by a hostile, I'm requesting immediate back up and an ambulance! I'm on the corner of Jules and Second!" I reply, getting out of my cruiser to assess the scene. It's bad, the driver of the SUV, a woman, slammed into the back of a black Charger which activated both cars' air bags. I hear ambulance and firefighter sirens behind me, so I quickly take out my scene camera to snap photos of the wreck before they get here

"Help! She's not breathing !" I hear a female voice coming from the Charger, "someone please !!"

I rush over to the charger, looking inside to see two females, one looking at me with panic. I look at the second female to see blood dripping out of her nose from where the airbag deployed and hit her, she looks unresponsive so I quickly open the door 

"Hold on, I'm going to need you to stay calm" I tell the first female, "can you do that for me?"

She nods and I take the seatbelt off the second female, clearing her of the compression from the belt. I slowly lift her out of the car, laying her onto the floor to see if she has anything blocking her airways before I start CPR on her. It takes a few tries, breathing into her body and pressing her chest, before she finally takes a short breath on her own. The ambulance medics take over, lifting her onto a gurney to put her in the ambulance. I go to the other side of the car, trying to see if I can get any information on the first female

"Hello, my name is officer Reign. Can I get your first and last name?" I ask her, checking the inside of the car to see if there are anymore victims

"Jane, Jane McKinley" she looks up at me, tears flooding her eyes. I pull out a tissue and my notepad to write down her information

"Okay, Jane, who was the driver?"

"Her name is Lana, Lana Kingston. I let her drive my car to take it for a spin. I can't believe -" Jane starts to break down in tears

"It's alright Jane" I put my hand on her shoulder, "Lana is going to be alright"

A medic comes over to attend to Jane as I walk over to the driver of the SUV, who is fully conscious when I walk over to her, "Excuse me ma'am, but you realize you failed to yield to a police officer when I tried to pull you over for speeding, then you also hit another vehicle while in the midst of a police chase?"

The woman looks up at me, disheveled, but doesn't speak. I detect the presence of either drugs or alcohol, but I cannot say for absolute sure

"You realize that's a felony right?" I ask, putting my hand on my waist, "What's your name ma'am, for the record?"

She still doesn't speak, but she looks like she's about to hurl so I step back. Sure enough, she starts to hurl, and it smells completely like alcohol

"Ma'am, were you drinking?" I ask, right as my coworker, Justin, walks over to me

"Reign, what's the situation?" Justin asks me

"Drunk driver was speeding and hit the Charger when I tried to pull her over for speeding" I give him the short run down, "The driver of the Charger is on route to the hospital, she was unresponsive on arrival and I had to revive her on scene before the medics arrived"

"Have you gotten their information?" Justin asks, checking the SUV for other occupants

"No shit" I roll my eyes, "I haven't gotten hers, she hurled before she could give me anything"

"I'll look for a license and we'll let the medics handle her" Justin shrugs, climbing into the car to look for the woman's identification, "Want to ride to the hospital so you can call emergency contact for the victims?

"Yea, sure" I shrug, walking over to the ambulance that has Jane, "Jane, is it alright if I ride with you to the hospital? I need to get a little more information from you and call Lana's family to inform them of the wreck"

Jane nods, wincing in pain

That woman is surely going to jail for about 4 different felonies tonight.

"Hey babe" I answer on the phone as I take off my uniform, "How was your day?"

"Pretty good! The wedding was beautiful!" Queen says with excitement, "We're in the middle of the reception right now but I wanted to call to talk to you"

"I'm glad you had a great day" I yawn, walking over to my bathroom to start getting ready for a shower

"I did, how was yours?" Queen asks, "You sound tired"

"Yea, I just spent a few hours in the hospital after a drunk driver wreck, then I had to file paperwork for the wreck then file for charges to be placed on the driver"

"That sounds intense" Queen replies, listening intently, "Is the victim okay?"

"Victims" I correct her, "One was unresponsive at the scene but I gave her CPR before she was sent to the hospital, she was still unconscious when I left the hospital but the doctors say she will be fine. The other one is just badly beaten up from the airbag, she should be fine"

"Oh wow, and let me guess? The drunk driver is alive and well?" Queen asks, annoyance in her tone

"You guessed it" I nod, taking my pants off and throwing them onto the floor, "Alive enough to get a few felony charges"


"I don't want to hold you from the wedding, babe. Go enjoy yourself" I tell her, stifling a yawn

"Okay, I will talk to you later"

"Okay, bye" I hang up the phone then hop into the shower. I didn't realize it, but I have blood on the upper part of my arm from carrying Lana in my arms. When her dad showed up to the hospital, he was freaking out and wanted know what happened. I couldn't tell him that the lady walked off without a scratch and was drunk as fuck, and it pisses me off. That lady could have killed her! I don't know Lana but I'm sure she doesn't deserve that

How to Fall... Without Trying To (GirlxGIRL)Where stories live. Discover now