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Tuesday begins and oddly, Valerie and Chris have been quiet. Chris did not return home at all last night, despite his promise in teaching me about werewolf stuff. I guess he had a more important pack business to attend to. Chris came back to the house this morning though and he has been so tensed up ever since.

Valerie was alerted about the situation last night, so after our little werewolf lesson, had to end earlier than I expected. She went out last night, too, which is why she's dozing off in the passenger seat.

"Did something happen last night that I don't know about?" I ask the two the moment the car turns on the last corner to get to school.

Chris's grip on the steering wheel tightly and his jaw tenses up before he replies, "There's a problem at the packhouse. Stay with your friends or with Valerie while at school. We don't want anything to happen to you."

I open my mouth to reply but it turns out we've already arrived in front of the school. Chris bids us goodbye and drives off. The moment I step out of Chris's SUV, Jace, Elina, and Kathleen are the first ones I meet. Kathleen and Elina immediately drag me in the direction of the football field bleachers.

"Wait! The blindfold!" Jace shouts, causing Elina and Kathleen to grimace at the volume.

"What? Blindfold?" I immediately question as Jace covers my eyes with a silky cloth. Fortunately for the three of them, I cannot protest with Elina and Kathleen holding both of my arms. If this was an actual kidnapping, I would have screamed by now. But seeing that they're my friends, they probably want to show me something.

Elina guides me up the steps of the bleachers and assists me upon sitting down.

Jace takes off the blindfold. Jeremiah and Kathleen are holding up a banner with the words, 'We're sorry, Nikki. Please forgive us. :(' on it. Jace holds out a red velvet cake in front of my face with an 884 candle. Elina and Caleb open up the banner they are holding with the words 'Happy Birth Week, Nikki!' The five of them suddenly sing, "Happy Birth week to you! Happy birth week to you! Happy birth week, happy birth week, happy birth week to you!"

Stunned at their sudden gesture, I cover my mouth. I approach them and give them a group hug.

"Happy Birth week, Nikki!" Caleb greets and ruffles my hair.

"Thank you so much, everybody." Tears of joy begin to muster up in my eyes.

"Blow out the candles," Jace demands while still holding the cake. "Ugh. I didn't get to join the group hug."

I laugh at him and silently wish for everything to be alright. I blow out the candles and put the cake on the bleachers before wrapping my arms around Jace. "Here's your hug, you idiot."

"Ha-ha, Nikki. Now let go before your mate sees you hugging me and decides to decapitate my head," Jace says while tapping my back twice.

"We're really sorry about yesterday," Elina adds and bows her head.

Jeremiah also ruffles my hair and says, "Don't worry though. We'll be here for you just like I said."

"And Nikki, don't you dare go anywhere without one of us by your side, okay?" Kathleen pouts while shaking my shoulders. "Now that you know about the supernatural creatures, you should be more vigilant of your surroundings."

"Of course. I've come to realize I'm actually an Alpha's little sister so there's a possibility that a pack out there waiting to strike and use Valerie and me hostage," I blurt out without thinking.

"It's good to know that you still have a really active imagination, Nikki," Jace remarks while putting the cake in the box. "I'll put this in the cafeteria fridge. You stay with her on the way to the classroom. Don't let her leave your sight."

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