CHAPTER 4: Hello Kitty

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"Good evening, welcome to Brews. What can I get you guys?" I say in a very bored tone to a group of teenage boys.

They stop their usual chattering and eye me up and down.

The blond haired boy with small freckles smirks. "How 'bout givin' me your number eh?"

He's definitely British.

"I'll also have the same." The dark haired boy with grey eyes sitting in front of him says.

"Dude! I asked her first." The blondie flicks the dark haired boy on his head.

"Hey! I can also ask her number. And don't flick me." The dark haired boy flicks him back.

I just roll my eyes seeing their childishness.

"Enough! How about I give you both," pointing my pen on both of their directions," the number of the nearest mental institution? Because it looks like you both need it." The rest of the boys snort while the blondie and darkie just try to avoid their gazes in embarrassment.

"I'll be back later to take your orders."

Going inside the kitchen I find Evan trying to create his new cupcake creation. He's our baker, having green eyes, chestnut brown hair, a stubble covering his jawline and having little bit of flour on his cheek. He recently graduated the community college nearby and is working his way through the pastry school.

"Hey Evan, guess what?"


"Somebody here owns me ten dollars."

"What?! Now who in the world asked your number?"

"The teenage blondie sitting outside with his friends. You know later that boy sitting in front of him also asked for my number. So you owe me twenty dollars not ten dollars."

"Dammit! I never should have made that bet with you." He mumbles to himself but was loud enough to hear.

"Yeah. That's right, you should never make bets if you don't know whether you are going to win or not." I advise him.

"Who made a bet without including me?" A female voice asks.

I turn around and see a petite figure walking towards us.

"Our dear Evan here, made a bet of ten dollars if I get a customer who will ask for my number. And I had a very easy win of having two customers fight for my number."

"Wow. You never should have made that bet." Kathy, our cashier/owner chuckles. She is the best co-worker any person would ask for and is much better than my arrogant boss.

"So?" I make the universal rubbing of fingers, asking for money.

"Fine." He takes out his wallet and hand me twenty dollars.

"Thanks Evan. Love you." I give a kiss on his cheek.

"Yeah whatever." He grumbles.

I get out of the kitchen and reach a familiar table having a little familiar faces.

"Well kids, are you ready to order?" I ask with a smile.


It has been fifty one hours, forty six minutes and three seconds—no scratch that—four seconds since I had a text from him. It's not that I'm keeping count or something. But still...

Maybe he's busy? But busy enough that he didn't have time to text me? No, that's an understatement.

Currently I'm walking back to my apartment which suddenly seems to have a very long distance from the cafe. The night is still young and I see some teenagers walking out of the general store and people are walking back to their respective homes.

It turns out that my boss is coming back from England tomorrow morning and life will as usual go on. He giving me orders and me taking orders from him.

I've also carefully avoided all the questions about him from Ari because the truth is I also don't know much about him.

Well actually I do know that he's in business, what business that I don't know. He loves finding happiness in small things, has a little sister and he's every woman's dream guy.

No name, no number, no email ID. Just a username and a Hello Kitty profile picture.

Who the hell puts Hello Kitty on a profile picture?

I'm so lost in deep thoughts that I didn't realise that a black car stopped in front of me.

Wow. That's one nice car. The owner must be filthy rich.


The passenger side's door is opened and a very familiar pair of blue eyes gets out of the car.

"What in the world are you doing here?!"

Author's note:

I'm not gonna ask who came out of the car because we all know who it is.

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