CHAPTER 37: Lover boy

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Lover boy's POV:

There she is. Looking beautiful in her yellow floral dress and no makeup. She is one of those girls who don't need makeup.

There she is talking to my friend in all cheery mood. But I can see that she's upset that it's not Rick.

What can I do? I was in shock when I found out about her back in California, but deep down I wanted it to be her.

"Fuck you lover boy." I snap my head at the woman who is sitting on my right and narrow my eyes at her.

That's the name both of them kept for me?

"Oh I'm sorry? Did it hurt? The truth?" I ask her sarcastically.

"You know she was so excited to meet you and here you are sitting on a bench covering yourself with a newspaper." She snatches the paper with which I was covering my face and throws it in the bin beside her.

"Hey! You can't do that." I whine but she rolls her eyes at me.

"Wow. You are one messed up person Rick." The man on my left finally speaks after a long time.

I cover my face with my grey hoodie so that Liza can't recognize me if she sees me. I sigh loudly.

"I know. That's why I told you guys the truth. I can't face her now, she'll panic and run away from me." I say it desperately. Both of them are in deep thought and look at the people who are there on the bridge which was in front of our bench.

"Why did you give the lilies to Jason?" Arianna asks me.

"I wanted her to at least get the flowers I had personally handpicked." I murmur which makes Anna's eyes widen.

"You handpicked them? You know she's gonna throw them right?" I slowly nod my head in agreement.

"Dude! You are so whipped!" The man smacks my shoulders.

"Shut up Mark!" We both say in unison.

"Sorry." He mumbles.

I see Jason and Kathy leave the bridge, waving at us and then continue to carry on their date.

I owe them. Kathy literally started throwing tantrums when she found out about me being Liza's online friend. She even threatened to hurt me in unimaginable ways if I screwed up my plan.

"So now what Mr King?" Anna asks me in a mocking tone.

I look at the beauty of the sunset and then to the beauty in front of me.

"I make things right"


The only thing I saw was the ways to kill this bastard who touched my Liza.

I get a phone call and stop my car for few minutes and this is what happens. I find Liza missing and her screams from a corner.

When I saw Liza's dress and bruises, I was so determined to break that man's jaw for ever bringing it near her body but I had to take care of her.

I stopped punching the jerk who was now unconscious and ran to my Liza.

"Liza." I shake her shoulders and notice the blood on her hands.

Shit! I dialed my family doctor and asked him to reach my penthouse fast. I gently pat her cheeks to make sure if she's conscious or not.

"Eric...." She murmurs weakly.

"Liza, I'm so sorry." I scoop her up in my arms and drove back to my penthouse.

As soon as I reach the penthouse,  my family doctor treats her wound and gives me a list of prescribed medication.

An hour later he left us and I went back to my room where Liza was resting. She looks so weak and fragile.

I sat on the floor beside the bed and took her little cold palms on mine. I look at her fresh bruises and I feel something wet on my face.

I chuckle humorlessly and play with her fingers.

"What are you doing to me?" I ask her sleeping form.

"You know I was over the moon when I found out that you were the girl I shared my nonsensical views and doubts." I think back to my stupid question on our first chat and snort. "Who knew what game fate had played on us? I'm asking advice to make a pass on the girl I like from the girl I like." I shake my head trying to control my laughter.

I take a deep breath and smile. "We'll meet soon pretty lady but for now we have to wait. There are lots of things Rick has to make it right before he meets you. And believe me when we'll meet, I'll never let you go and I hope that you'll also do the same."

"I failed to take care of you tonight but that's it. The last mistake I did was to let you out of my sight and you got hurt. I broke your mother's promise once and I don't plan to break it again." I get up from the floor.

I look at her peaceful sleeping form and smile. I tuck back the loose strands of hair from her face and kiss her forehead.

"Good night pretty lady." I walk out of my room to make some calls.

Author's note:

I don't know what type of tear is on my face.... A sad one or a happy one?

You know this actually gives a hint or the answer of 'in which question Eric had actually lied' in chapter 17.

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