CHAPTER 17: Interrogation

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Okay Elizabeth. You knock that door and get your answers.

I sighed. My fists were already touching the door, trembling and waiting to strike on it. That's it Elizabeth, now there's no turning back.

One knock.

Two knock.

Three knock.

"Come in." An familiar voice booms from the inside.

I get inside and see the familiar brown-black wallpaper and paintings in the office. There is a black leather sofa at the corner with a coffee table. There's also a huge bookshelf having all types of software developing books and a couple of classics too.

I turn around and face Mr King who was busy reviewing the file I had kept on his table before his arrival.

Deep breaths, Elizabeth, deep breaths.

"Good morning, Mr King." I say in a confident tone. He stops reading the file, closes it and sets it aside. He looks up at me and gives me a smile, a normal toothy smile.

I raise my eyebrows at his behavior and couldn't help but be suspicious of him.

"Good morning, Miss Green. How can I be of your 'assistance' today?" He makes an air quote for assistance.

"I want some answers."

"Oh." He feigns disappointment. "I'm sorry Miss Green, but haven't asked me any questions that I can answer." He says to me in a playful manner.

He is acting very suspicious.

"Please don't stand Miss Green. Have a seat." He points to the chair in front of his black table.

I walk in confidence and take the seat in front of him. This is reminding of my interview I had with him couple of months ago.

"So Miss Green, what do you want to ask?" He places both his hands on the table. His eyes are shining in amusement.

"Like I said, I want answers but for that I want you to be completely honest with me. No lies, no twisted answers, just plain simple truth." I say in a neutral expression.

He nods in understanding. "The truth is not always plain or simple, Miss Green. But I'll try my best to answer your questions." I nod my head. "I have a condition. I can pass any one question, I don't want to answer and I can say a lie in anyone of these questions."

What kind of sick game is he trying to play? I just want simple answers. Better ask the questions to which I know the answers first.

What? I need to test his honesty.

"Okay. Why did I went to the VIP room where you and your friends were there?"

I feel like his light blue eyes are penetrating deep into my soul. It's making me uncomfortable.

"You were drunk. I don't know why. But you were—" I nod my head in understanding. "—you came to our booth, cracked a silly joke with Mr Ford and asked me for a leave, saying that you were drunk and probably gonna have a massive hangover the next morning so I granted your sudden leave."

Okay...I can trust his honesty.

"I remember that."

"I know."


"Next question please."

"Is your friend, Mark, a trustable man?"

"In what sense?"

"In relationship sense."

"Mark has many cases of bedding women every other night. I was not very much surprised when I found out that he is currently with Miss Smith. There are many possibilities that he might break her heart. I would advise our friend to be careful of him."

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