CHAPTER 27: It's official

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"You know, you never told me why are we here?" I ask him sipping on my coffee.

He stops cutting his pancake and sets down his knife. "Oh. I must have forgotten to tell you." He picks up his fork and takes a bite. He then takes another bite.

"Well?" He again looks at me with his eyebrows furrowed.

"What?" I roll my eyes at his goldfish memory.

"Why are we here? In California?" I ask him again.

"Oh yeah. I absolutely forgot." He wipes his mouth with the napkin.

"Remember the time I took you to the restau—"

"You mean that awfully expensive restaurant." I correct him.

He sighs loudly. "Fine. Remember the time I took you to the 'awfully expensive restaurant' without your permiss—"

"You mean kidnapping." I correct him again.

"That was not kidnapping!" He snaps at me and I start laughing.

"Yes, it was."

"No, it wasn't. I even apologized." He whines like a five year old.

"Just come to the point."

"Oh. Okay. And I asked your opinion about opening a new branch in England?" I hummed in response.

"And you said no?" I stop drinking my coffee.

"Yeah, I did." I look at him quizzically.

"Well, I realized what you meant." He gives me a small smile.


"You, me, my dad and my mom are going to visit the California branch today. You wanted me to personally check the progress of the other branches before opening another branch, right?"

Wow. He took my idea into consideration.

"Yeah. That's what I wanted." I continue drinking my coffee.

I feel like that's not it. "Is there anything else?"

"Yeah. One of my father's friend is having a silver jubilee celebration of his company, the day after tomorrow and I am taking you as my date." He shrugs.

Oh. So I am going to a party as his date...what?!

"What? You didn't even ask me!" I snapped.

"Really? Oh okay. I am taking you as my date to a party." He takes a sip of his coffee.

"That's not asking! That's ordering!" I narrow my eyes at him. "Ask properly."

He sighs. "Elizabeth, will please accompany me as my date to a party? Please?" He puts stress on the 'e'.

That's so cute. I wish I could take a photo.

"Yes. I will." I give him a smile.

"Okay." He smiles back at me.

"So, what are we doing tomorrow then?" I ask him.

"If you want, we could visit your parents and then you go shopping for dress." I choke on my coffee.

He passes me a glass of water casually.

"You? We? Visit? My parents? You know I haven't talked to them for almost eight months. I think it would be better if I went there alone. Plus I think my father will have a heart attack if reached home with a...with a..."

"With what?"

"With a man." I whisper like it's a forbidden word.

"Still I am accompanying you. End of discussion." He says in his bossy tone.

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