EPILOGUE: This is us.

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"Thomas King!! What have you done to yourself?" I look at the dirty clothes of my dear son who is crying.

"Mama, I bw–bwas plawying with...Julie. Shwe pushwed me." He scratches his black hair with his little fingers and hugs my legs.

Oh dear God. What am I going to do with him? I want to bend down and wipe his tears so badly but I can't.

"It's okay baby. I'll scold Julie. Stop crying." I rub his head hoping it will soothe his pain.

"No. Donw't scold Julie. Shwe bwill hwate me."

Oh yeah! According to Ari and Candice, Thomas likes Julie. I choked on my juice when I heard this. That's absolutely ridiculous. How can a three year old like a girl?

"Okay baby. Go search for Aunty Kathy. She'll help you." He runs away with excitement evident on his face.

So much excitement for Aunty Kathy...

Thomas is a mixed version of me and Eric. He has Eric's hair and lips but my eyes and nose. My whole life started to revolve around him when the doctor handed me my son.

I feel some movement on my stomach and stroke my nine month old belly.

"I know baby. I know. Mommy's hungry too. At least let her walk to the kitchen."

I feel the movement again and a smile appears on lips.

I hear a commotion upstairs and two tiny pair of feet run down the stairs.

"Careful kids. You'll get hurt."

"Aunty Lizzy! Mandy hiwt me." Christian complains.

"I did nowt! He's lwying." His twin Mandy shouts. Mandy is short for Amanda Ford.

"Kids go sort this out with your father." I walk to the kitchen and make myself comfortable with the chair.

Lydia passes me a glass of orange juice and pancakes. The smell invades my nose and I feel the movement again.

"She's hungry."

"I can very much see that from your face." She continues her work while I munch on the pancakes.

A fruity scent of peaches engulfs me and a warm hand strokes my belly.

"How's my princess and her pretty mother?" He whispers huskily in my ears, giving me goosebumps. I feel the movement again.

"She keeps kicking. I want her in my arms. I'm already a week past my due date and I've started to feel miserable."

"She's definitely going to be a football player. She's still inside because you've made it quite comfortable for her so she doesn't want to leave."

"Nine months and a week comfortable." I grumble sipping my juice.

Eric pecks my cheek then to leans down to my belly murmuring an 'I love you' and gets a response by a kick.

He beams at me and walks to his study to finish off his pending work.

Eric has been working from home since the beginning of my third trimester. I stopped working at the company as soon as I found out that I was pregnant with Thomas. The morning sickness was getting worse and I wanted to focus on the person growing inside me.

Eric respected my decision and hired another assistant under my supervision.

I've heard about those skimpy assistants and made sure that the current one is not one of them.

"But Adam's innocent. It's your fault Mark. You should be more careful with our kids." Ari snaps at Mark and walks to the kitchen rubbing Olivia's back whispering soothing words to her.

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