When he meets your parents:

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Hey everyone! This was an awesome request by Rose_Emblem
I know that quarantine would have been a great time to crank out stories to keep you all occupied... However, and I don't mean to brag, I'm kind of the queen of procrastination. 👑
...So yeah.
But hey, I finally made myself sit on my lazy butt and finish this chapter!
So please enjoy~!

After you'd been dating your boyfriend for awhile, your parents really wanted to meet him. They insisted that you come back home for dinner one night and bring him with you. You knew you weren't getting out of it, so you told your boyfriend the news and brought him home to meet your parents.
How'd it go?
I guess you'd better find out.

-Cue the Twilight Zone opening theme-

He wasn't too nervous about meeting your parents. In fact, he seemed completely chill with the arrangement. You sat together in your dining quietly with your dad, anticipating your mom's cooking. You knew you were going to have to try and choke it down as best you could to be polite. You had warned Link previously about the quality of your mom's food, but he had laughed it off. He insisted that it couldn't be that bad.
"I would give you the dad talk, but I feel bad enough that you're going to have to eat what my wife was baking this afternoon." your dad muttered.
Link just smiled and shrugged at him.  Your mom marched out of the kitchen a moment later, proudly carrying what appeared to be a... casserole of some kind?
You and your dad let out a sigh. Your boyfriend licked his lips.
"This is a special new recipe!" your mom smiled, setting the tray on the table. You stared skeptically at the dubious glop.
You hesitantly glanced over at Link, trying to gauge his reaction to the meal's appearance.
He still seemed completely unfazed.
Much to your amazement, he snatched up the wooden serving-spoon and scooped himself a hearty portion. You winced at the gurgling sound the casserole made when it slipped off the spoon and onto his plate. You saw your dad flinch as Link shoveled some of the glop into his mouth. You watched in disbelief as he tilted his head to the side and lifted a finger to his mouth, as if he were a connoisseur contemplating the many subtle flavors of a culinary masterpiece. You shuddered when he took another bite, chewing thoughtfully before swallowing and nodding in approval. He quickly shoveled the rest of it into his mouth before helping himself to another scoop.
You tried not to throw up, covering your eyes. Not only was he eating it, he was having seconds.
Your mom's eyes lit up, and she had a huge grin on her face.
"You like it?" she beamed. Your dad looked impressed, but also disgusted.
"It tastes great Mrs. (YourLastName)." Link smiled back at her.
"Babe, you're lying...right?" you whispered, elbowing him.
"Nah. I've had worse." he shrugged, taking another bite.
You shuddered involuntarily. 
Well at least you know your mom liked him...

Pit:                                                                                                                                                                                              Pit, being as optimistic as he is, was super jazzed about meeting your parents. (After all, "You gotta stay upbeat, upbeat, upbeat! Or you'll be dead-meat, dead-meat, dead-meat!") You two were currently sitting at your dining room table, and Pit was humming himself a little tune. "I hope you guys are hungry." your mom grinned, bringing in her homemade pizza.Your mouth started watering and you nodded happily. "I sure am." Pit excitedly whispered, leaning in to better inspect the pizza. "I am so hungry. Why didn't you tell me your mom could make a homemade pizza!?" You laughed, grabbing yourself a slice and slipping it onto your plate. Pit did the same, bouncing up and down in his seat. "I love pizza." he took a huge bite, chomping away at it happily. You smiled at your adorable boyfriend, shaking your head. "So." your dad looked at Pit curiously. "Tell me a bit about yourself."                                                                                                        "Oh." Pit blinked. "I didn't realize this was like a job interview. I didn't even come prepared!" he panicked. "Well, uh...I like food!"                                                                                                                      "Hmmm?"                                                                                                                                                                            "Yep. And...um...(Y/n). Of course." Pit added nervously.  You bit your lip, trying not to laugh. Your dad nodded, unsure of why Pit seemed so nervous all of a sudden. "Do you have a job? Outside of Smash bros., I mean." your mom piped in, asking her own question. "Oh!" Pit beamed. "Yeah! I work for Lady Palutena. I do a lot of stuff for her."                                                                                      "Lady Palutena?" your dad raised an eyebrow at him. "Yep. I'm the captain of her guard." he nodded happily, taking another bite of his pizza. "But sometimes she has me fetch her a drink, and sometimes I'll take pictures of her for her instagram. I guess I'm kinda like her... butler..." Pit had started happily enough, but upon that last realization he grew quiet. "Wait a second... I never signed up to be a butler..." he murmured to himself. Your parents gave you a strange look. "She's the goddess I was telling you about." you said, filling them in. "He's like the general of her army, but she likes to, ah, abuse her authority a bit. She enjoys having him do menial labor." Your mom made an "oh" face, and your dad just nodded. "That makes more sense. I was worried for a minute there." he said. The night went very well from that point on (well, after you'd gotten Pit out of his fazed state by convincing him to talk to Palutena about a raise) and your parents seemed to love Pit. (I mean really, what's not to love about him? Just make sure they don't find out that he's illiterate...)

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