Chapter 6

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He faces the grand altar with Wang Yibo standing still, waiting for him. Okay, now Xiao Zhan really didn't think this through. Internally panicking, he gave a nervous smile and arrived at the altar.

The priest recited the verses and Xiao Zhan can't seem to understand anything since the words came to him like the wind and he was too occupied with the thought of kissing. Wang Yibo is looking calm as always and Xiao Zhan is nervously smiling. His mind was filled with ohfuckohfuckohfuck-

Unconsciously, Wang Yibo takes his hand and holds it.

"Do you take Wang Yibo as your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asks. Xiao Zhan, immediately coming back to Earth, he replies swiftly.

"I, Xiao Zhan, take you, Wang Yibo, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part." He said the words rather quickly and gave another nervous smile. Wang Yibo said the same thing impassively as he held the gambler's hands softly.

"You have declared your consent before the Church. May the Lord in his goodness strengthen your consent and fill you both with his blessings. What God has joined, men must not divide. Amen." The priest says it out loud. The agent steps forward.

Wang Yibo inserts a golden ring on Xiao Zhan's wedding finger and truly, the gambler was spacing out from time to time and noticed it was his turn to put the ring on the agent's finger.

Feeling a bit anxious, with shaking fingers he tries to put the ring, the agent softly whispered, "Relax, just think like no one's in here." With an exhale he relaxed himself and puts the golden ring successfully. The ceremony continued with Xiao Zhan still panicking with what was about to happen in the last part.

Will they definitely kiss? How can he avoid such things? His first kiss will be gone just like that! Is Wang Yibo okay with that?

"And you may now kiss the groom," the priest said with a smile and Xiao Zhan immediately snapped out from his thoughts. He was immediately frozen on his place. The beads of sweat started forming at his forhead and his breath hitched.

Why didn't we talk about this part? Oh good Lord! I'm here at your church, please have mercy! Xiao Zhan internally pleaded and without noticing, Wang Yibo stepped closer. He slid his arm at the gambler's waist and brought him closer. "What-"

"I'm sorry to disappoint you but my husband is too shy to show public affection," after saying those words, the agents plants a soft kiss on the gambler's cheek. It was only for a brief moment that a pair of gentle lips brushed his skin.

Xiao Zhan felt the heat rise from his face and quickly gives an awkward laugh. "Yeah," he whispered. And didn't look at anyone except the floor. In the end, everyone who were inside still cheered and gave their congrats.

The gambler was relieved that his first kiss wasn't taken just like that.

• • •

The newlyweds came to the venue and to Xiao Zhan's surprise, it was hella grand. He looks from inside the car and gaped like a fish.

"My dear husband is really sweet ah," Xiao Zhan teased as he went back to his usual self, no longer panicking about the kiss. The agent didn't say anything and leaned on his seat as the driver parked the car.

As they stepped out, the building looked extremely beautiful and luxurious. The building itself was glowing despite the sun shining. There was a red carpet spread on the entrance and a bridge of pastel pink and white roses. There were enormous vases overflowing with flowers and the cloths were designed and arranged beautifully at the entrance.

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