Chapter 7

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Wang Yibo was already awake 3 hours ago and the gambler was still sleeping like a log. It was already 10 in the morning and they need to start with the mission at hand asap.

"Xiao Zhan," he calls out as he shakes the other slightly. "Five more minutes," he groaned and covered himself with the comforter. Wang Yibo frowns at his actions. He pulls the blanket in one swift and the gambler covered his face with a pillow. "I have something to discuss with you."

Xiao Zhan replied with a muffled voice and the agent didn't understand a single thing. They're going to be late if Xiao Zhan's not moving anytime soon. With a sigh, Wang Yibo carries his spouse. Xiao Zhan immediately woke up with the sudden movement and yelped as he clings to the agent.

"Holy bag of- I'm awake! Awake!" He exclaimed but Yibo didn't pay any attention to him as he made his way to the bathroom. He gently sets him down and said, "Take a shower and wear the new set of clothes at the counter," before Xiao Zhan could say anything, the agent already left with the door closing with a click.

"My God... Even my morning schedule is new," Xiao Zhan whispered to himself as he rubs his face. You can do this, Xiao Zhan.

• • •

The two of them arrived at a huge and tall looking building designed with glass all over. "Is this your agency?" Xiao Zhan asks as he looks in awe. "Yes, we'll be discussing about the information that I've gathered about the casino. Also, I'll be asking you questions later," Wang Yibo explained as he parked the car at the backside of the building.

"Oh? I wonder what kind of questions my husband is gonna ask?" Xiao Zhan said in a teasing manner and smirks at the agent.

Once again, he was ignored by his husband and the gambler frowns since there was no reaction.

Stepping inside the fancy looking building, it truly looked luxurious as a grand crystal chandelier was hanging at the center of the lobby and the floor was a complete pure white marble. The ceiling was pretty much high and the air smelled somewhat cool and minty.

"So, where to?" Xiao Zhan asked as he whispered to the agent at his side as people looks at the gambler. Curious on who he actually is. "My office first," Yibo replied shortly as they arrived at the elevator and the agent pressed the 9th floor. Xiao Zhan hums a tune and surprisingly, Yibo somewhat hummed with him for a brief moment and the gambler gasped. "You-"

The elevator doors opens with a ding and Wang Yibo didn't waste any time as he steps outside. Xiao Zhan pouted. He can also sing?

They eventually stopped at Wang Yibo's office. It looked really uncluttered and pristine as it was decorated with simple modern designs. "Wow, you can see the whole city from up here!" Xiao Zhan exclaimed as he leans at the over looking view of the city in the huge window panes. He looked like a child who is extremely happy to see something for the first time in his life. "Geez, even my house can't be compared to this view," the gambler muttered as he continued to look around and went to the shelves. Taking random books that caught his interest.

The agent couldn't help but chuckle a little. Eventually stopping himself from reacting any further, he coughs lightly and caught the gambler's attention. "Hey, don't judge a millionare like me. So what if I'm amazed by the view?"

"I didn't even say anything," Yibo shortly replied as he takes out a thick brown folder and places it in top of his desk. The gambler approached him and playfully rolls his eyes, "I don't really use my money a lot, I just store them at the bank," Xiao Zhan explained and opens the folder.

His eyes immediately caught the sight of a red ink on the paper. TOP SECRET CASE NO. 1983

"You're just gonna let me see this?" Xiao Zhan dumbly asks as he points the folder and waits for Yibo to answer. "Didn't I tell you we're working together?"

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