Chapter 2

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That night I went to bed thinking how cool it would be to switch bodies with Beyonce for even just one day. Deep down I know she was just trying to make me feel better, when she said she wished she could be like me. What a way to keep a fan happy.  

I woke up to the sounds of hearing two people talking. I opened my eyes and the bright morning sun hit me on my face. I opened my eyes wide enough to see where the sun was coming from, confused because when I went to bed last night, all the windows were closed. I suddenly notice that the place I'm waking up in is not my room. This room is way too big to be mine. I looked around me and saw things I have never seen before. Am I dreaming or what? I step up from the huge king bed that I was on and saw a lot of Beyonce and Jay-Z pictures. Okay, best dream ever! How in the world am I imagining Beyonce's bedroom so vividly? I see a door that I assume leads to the bathroom. I opened it and walked in. Even in my dream she has one of the fanciest bathrooms that I have ever seen. As I turn around to face myself in the mirror, I let out a loud shout. The refection of the mirror was not me, It was Beyonce! Okay, this dream feels creepily real. I pinch myself, surprised I feel it. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Before I can make sense of what's happening, I turn around to find Jay-Z looking at me with a weird look on his face. 

" Everything okay sweetie?" He asked.

Did he just call me sweetie?

"Are you okay?" He repeated.

I look down at my hands, felt my hair and knew that everything that was on me belongs to Beyonce. Well, if this is a dream, I might as well go with it. I nodded my head, afraid my voice would give me away as a fraud.

When I realized he was waiting for me to say something, I decided to straight up ask him, "How do I look to you?" Before I can wait for his answer, I quickly cover my mouth. I was afraid of my voice; It actually sounded just like Beyonce.

"Stop being silly and get ready for your performance tonight," He says as he leaves.

"What? I can't do that," I yelled behind him.

"Why not? You're not really busy today," he shouted back.

"I'm not Beyonce!" I randomly shouted, regretting it the second I said it. I do not need him thinking I'm crazy.

"Like I said, stop being silly and start getting ready," He replied back.

I know I sounded crazy for saying that, but I'm not her. I can't sing or dance. Everybody will be wondering, 'what happened to Beyonce?' after I'm done with whatever performance he is talking about. I have to find the real Beyonce. I mean, if I'm her than she must be me, right? Okay, I know how crazy that sounds, but what else could explain this? All I have to do is find her, I mean me. Maybe somehow I might get my body before tonight.

I took a quick shower then went through Beyonce's clothes to find something to wear. It was hard to pick which one because all of them were so damn pretty. Eventually I found a pair of blue skinny jeans and paired them with a red tube top. I put on some really cute flip-flops and went down stairs to ask where I could find the car keys. When I got downstairs, I found Jay-Z talking on the phone. He turned around and noticed I'm waiting for him. He said goodbye to who ever he was talking to, and turned to look at me.

"Wow, you haven't worn those clothes in a really long time," He said, looking at me with surprise written all over his face.

"I haven't?" I asked.  

"Yup," He said back.

 "Hey, where are the car keys?" I asked, trying to sound as normal and nonchalant as I possibly can.

 "You look so lost today," he said, seeing right through me.

"Yeah, whatever, can you tell me where I can find the car keys?"

"It's in your bag or whatever you put your stuff in."

"Oh yeah," I said, running back upstairs like a little girl. Jay-Z stood there looking at me as if I have lost my mind.

I came back downstairs with Beyonce's purse in my hand. She has a lot of stuff in there that I don't want to mess with. I only took out the car key and her iPhone. I started toward front door, planning on leaving without saying anything to Jay-Z. He stood there looking at me, obviously wondering where I was going. As if to confirm my suspicion of his thoughts, he shouted, "Where are you going? You have a show to get ready for!"

"I'll be back," I shouted as I closed the door to the nicest car I've ever been in, or even seen, and drove away.


Edited by: KennedyHills

Switch Bodies With Beyonce, A Chris Brown,Beyonce, Jay-z Story(Under Editing) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora