Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Xavier stretched out his back and pulled the warm body in his arms closer against him. He buried his face in damp hair and breathed in an earthy scent. When the body let out a moan, Xavier's eyes flew open.


Preston's small body was lying on top of him. Their legs were tangled together beneath the blanket and Preston's head was resting on Xavier's chest.

Xavier's heart began to thunder as his pants tightened. He assumed this made him a liar. He told himself last night that he didn't cuddle. He was sure as hell cuddling right now.... And damn, if it didn't feel good.

Preston fit against him perfectly and Xavier felt no urge to shove the man away or wake him up. He reached up a hand and smoothed some damp hair from Preston's brow.

Sleeping peacefully, there wasn't an ounce of that sadness that sometimes creeped onto his face. He looked damn angelic. Soft and, just like those sunsets and sunrises the man liked, pretty.

Damn. What did this mean? Xavier had always been a loner. Had liked being alone. Why was he still holding Preston? He had no good excuse. No lies he could tell himself. The man was waking something up inside him. Something that had been lying dormant for as long as Xavier could remember.

Now he just had to figure out what the hell to do about it.

Preston stirred in his arms and those big blue eyes rose to meet his. "Xavier?"


Without warning, Preston disentangled himself from Xavier, snatched his glasses from the corner and crawled out the of the tent. His eyes were wide as he once again found Xavier's gaze. Xavier was suddenly cold and he fought the urge to grab Preston by the shirt collar and drag the man back on top of him.

Preston's jaw trembled. "I'm sorry... I.. uh..."

Xavier saw the fear in those blue eyes. Preston was afraid? Afraid of him? Xavier didn't want that. "Sorry for what?"

Preston's face reddened. He stammered several times as Xavier sat up. "For ending up on top of you. I didn't mean to." His mouth snapped shut and he was on his feet and rushing out of sight before Xavier could respond.

Xavier sat there a moment attempting to wrap his head around what had happened and his own feelings. Never in his life had he held another man tenderly against him while they'd slept. Xavier hadn't ever figured he would. But now? Now he was thinking it felt pretty damn good waking up that way.

Preston, however, didn't seem to feel the same.

Xavier grumbled. It was just as well. As soon as they got to that town, they were going to be going their separate ways and whatever damn spell the man had cast over Xavier would be gone.

Leaving his tent, Xavier glanced around and sighed. The rain had stopped and the sky was clear above them but everything was soaked. They would have to stay camped here today and give their blankets and gear time to dry out. If they folded them up now, they'd smell of mildew and still be damp when they made camp tonight.

That meant one more full day with Preston before they'd be in that town they were heading toward.

Xavier glanced toward the rocks they'd sat on the night before and saw Preston there. The man looked pitiful with his damp hair and his downcast eyes. His arms were wrapped tight around him as if he were protecting himself.

An Outlaw's Weakness*Fifth in Crane Gang series*Where stories live. Discover now