Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four

"This place is pretty." Preston's voice was awestruck as the duo rode up on High Rock Falls. Xavier had been here once before but he hadn't appreciated the beauty of the place until just now—until seeing it with Preston.

"It's a nice spot," Xavier agreed. The hills around them were covered in long flowing grasses. The river ran off one of these hills, falling over the large rocks that littered it and causing the waterfall that fell into the pool of water beneath it before it continued on it's winding path across the plains.

The falls weren't huge, about fifteen feet tall, but the sun caught them, glistening off the spray. Xavier rode close to Preston who was simply sitting on his horse and taking in the sights around them.

Preston turned to him. "Can we camp here tonight?"

Xavier frowned as he looked up at the cloudless sky. It was only midday and they were only a couple days ride from the healer. He could see the split in the river up ahead and was eager to follow the eastern tine to find her home. "We should move on, Preston. We're getting close to the healer."

Preston sighed. "Please? It's pretty here and I'd like to enjoy it awhile."

Xavier watched him push his glasses up on his nose and it caused him to grumble under his breath. His resolve was weak when it came to Preston. "Alright, but we're leaving right after dawn and we're riding hard until we get there."

Preston offered a mock salute. "Yes sir."

With a chuckle, Xavier dismounted and motioned for Preston to do the same. "Let's make camp then. That way you can enjoy your damn view while you read your book all day."

As the duo set up camp, Xavier noticed that Preston seemed quiet—and a bit out of breath. Fear blossomed. "Preston, are you okay?"

Preston offered a smile as he swiped his sleeve across his face. "Yeah. Why?"

With a raise of his brow, Xavier stepped closer. "Are you having a hard time breathing?"

Preston averted his gaze and rubbed at a speck of mud on his pants. "I'm fine."

Xavier frowned. Preston wasn't fine. Preston was still breathing heavier than he should be. "Don't lie to me, goddammit. Let's load back up and head on. The sooner we get there the better."

With a shake of his head, Preston went to the river and sat down beside it. "I just need some rest, Xavier. We've been going nonstop for days."

"Are you going to have an attack?" Xavier demanded, his voice tight.

"No. Not if I can just rest a bit." Preston's gaze was pointed as his breathing continued to be labored. "Just bring me a book and let me sit a while."

Xavier grumbled under his breath as he strode to Preston's saddlebags and pulled a book from within them. He wasn't truly angry, just damn worried, and that worry riled his temper. He didn't like seeing Preston sick. If Preston had another one of those attacks.... Hell, what if it hit and wouldn't stop? What if...

Xavier shook his head, tossed his hat onto the saddlebags and shoved his hand through his hair. That wasn't going to happen. He was not going to lose Preston.

He walked back to Preston and handed him the book. "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Preston's eyes were sad as he ran his hands over his book. "No. There's not anything anyone can do."

An Outlaw's Weakness*Fifth in Crane Gang series*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن