Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

Gill stepped out of the barn and into the midday sun. Pulling his hat from his head, he swiped his blue shirt sleeve across his brow. The day was certainly a hot one.

Footsteps sounded behind him, but Gill didn't need to turn around to know who it was. He would recognize those footsteps anywhere. "Hey there, Pete."

"Hello best friend."

The two men came to stand side by side as they looked at the horses in the corral. "Where's your other man?" Pete asked.

"He's out in the field checking on some of the cattle. Shouldn't you be home with that moody wife of yours?"

Pete winced. "I love that sombrero wearing hurricane but I forgot just how dangerous she becomes when you put a babe in her belly."

Gill was chuckling as he patted Pete on the back. "Makes me glad I love a man."

"Aww, I love you too, Gill," Pete cooed, batting his red lashes.

Gill rolled his eyes. His best friend might be well into his thirties but he'd never grow up. "Where's Willie? Did you leave the poor boy with his moody mama?"

"Naw, he went to Craig and Ezekial's for the day. He wanted to spend time with Delilah."

"Young love."

Pete grinned. "Isn't it sweet?"

The two men fell silent a moment before Pete spoke again. "Have you and Jeb heard anything else from Preston?"

Gill felt his chest tighten. "No. Nothing since that first letter a couple months ago. It's taking its toll on Jebidiah."

"It's taking its toll on you too."

Gill rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, it is. My damn son is sick and out there running around the country with some man named Xavier Black and we have no way of knowing if he's safe."

Pete shrugged. "At least he's got a friend and he's not alone."

"I'd feel better if I knew who this Xavier was." Nobody in the family had recognized the man by name.

"Probably a murderer."

Gill glared at his best friend. "Shut the hell up."

Pete laughed. "I'm sure Xavier's a good man, Gill. Probably helps old ladies crossing the street and donates all his free time to rescuing puppies."

"Why the hell am I your friend?" Gill demanded, unable to stop his own laughter.

"Because I stop you from worrying so damn much," Pete replied with his gap-toothed grin. "You always have gotten stuck in your own head."

Gill just sighed because he knew it was true. Before he could say anything else, Pete slapped his arm. "Hey, who's that riding in?"

Following, Pete's gaze, Gill stared hard for several moments before his eyes widened. "Pete, ride out and get Jeb. I believe that's our son."


Xavier shifted in the saddle feeling more than a little awkward as he rode beside Preston toward the homestead in the distance. There were three decent sized barns, some nice looking horses in one corral, and some ponies in another. The home looked small but sturdy. Chickens ran wild and there was even a pig resting comfortably in the shade of the barn. An old hound sat on the porch, watching them ride in. None of that was what had Xavier so damn nervous.

No, what had Xavier feeling that unfamiliar emotion was the colored man standing beside the barn, watching them ride in. Another man had been with him but he'd ridden off into the field the moment they noticed Preston and Xavier riding in.

The man watching them had a gun belt on his hip as he stood there with a wide legged stance and his arms crossed over his chest. His hat was pulled low but Xavier knew who it was. Gilliam Tomlinson. Preston's pa.

Once they entered the fence line surrounding the property, Preston leapt of his horse and took off running. Xavier was surprised when Gill did as well and Preston leapt into his arms. Gill hugged him tight and Xavier simply sat there a bit awkwardly in his saddle and thought about all those weeks ago when Granny had scared the life out of him. When she had said she couldn't fix Preston's lungs, Xavier had nearly collapsed right there in the dirt—then the evil angel of a woman had spoken the single greatest sentence that Xavier had ever heard.


Snapping from his thoughts at the sound of Preston's voice, Xavier slid from his horse and approached Gill and Preston. Preston came to stand beside Xavier and smiled up at Gill. "Pa, this is Xavier. Xavier, this is my pa Gill."

Xavier stood there, feigning confidence as Xavier's pa sized him up. Gilliam Tomlinson was a few inches shorter than six feet and had a stocky, strong build. He had sharp brown eyes that didn't look like they missed much and he carried himself like a man accustomed to a position of authority—and Xavier knew he was. Gill had been a Texas Ranger, and a rather successful one according to Preston, for a long time.

Gill held out a hand. "Nice to meet you, Xavier."

Xavier, who had never been the type to show much respect to anyone, shook Gill's hand firmly. "Nice to meet you too, sir." Preston loved his family and it was important that Xavier make a good impression on them. Xavier had never had a family. That inexperience caused him to feel out of place and unsure—neither were things he was comfortable with.

Gill studied him a moment then turned his gaze to Preston who, Xavier realized was looking up at him with a smile. Xavier smiled back, no longer worried about hiding his affection for the man in an attempt to appear strong or intimidating. He'd damn near lost the love of his life and he was just happy to still have him standing beside him.

The sound of Gill chuckling drew Xavier's attention back to the man. "I take it you're more than just Preston's friend?"

Xavier nodded as he reached out and wrapped Preston's name around his, entwining their fingers. "Yes sir."

"Your papa's head is gonna explode, Preston." Gill seemed amused as he said this. "I won't ask you any questions just now, Xavier. I'll wait until Jeb's around before we start an interrogation. Jeb is definitely gonna have some questions for you."

Xavier frowned and felt his stomach flip. Preston had warned him that Gill was the easier parent to win over. Jebidiah Crane was where his trouble would come from. Xavier cast a glance down at Preston who appeared annoyed. "You don't have to interrogate him, pa. Xavier's a good man."

"Oh, he's gonna get interrogated," Gill assured them, shifting his weight to his right leg and resting his hand on his revolver. "At least we haven't knocked him unconscious and tied him to a chair yet."

A/N: Big family reuinion coming soon! And did y'all miss Gill and Pete? They're still the dynamic duo and best of friends!

An Outlaw's Weakness*Fifth in Crane Gang series*Where stories live. Discover now