Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Xavier nearly laughed out loud at the comical, wide-eyed expression on Preston's face. The urge to laugh surprised him. The urge was fairly unfamiliar. "Do what exactly?" Came Preston's whispered response.

All kinds of options flashed through Xavier's mind. Options that involved taking Preston's body into his arms. Removing those clothes. Tasting that pale skin. Hearing Preston whisper his name as he took his cock in his mouth....

Xavier shook his head roughly and shoved himself to his feet, adjusting his pants to hide the evidence of the direction his thoughts had taken. What the hell was wrong with him? Xavier had never been the type of man to get lost in lustful thoughts.

Preston, it seemed, was bringing out all kinds of new things in Xavier. Cuddling. Smiling. Laughing. Lust. Xavier had yet to determine if that was a good or bad thing. Preston would eventually be gone and Xavier would be going back to his solitary life. A life where those things were not welcome.

"I don't know," Xavier glanced into the distance. "There has to be something you enjoy doing other than read."

Preston closed his book and sat it aside before getting to his feet. Xavier eyes followed Preston's hands as he swiped dirt from his tempting backside. "I like to ride horses. I've learned some trick riding."

"Trick riding?" Xavier asked skeptically.

"You don't believe me?"

Xavier shrugged. "I reckon you wouldn't have any reason to lie about it. It's just a bit unexpected."

Preston's chest puffed out proudly. "I've been riding in our local fair for years. Willa's been a really good teacher to have."

"Who's Willa?"

Preston smiled, a sight that Xavier would have said was breathtaking, if Xavier said foolish things like breathtaking. "She's... well... I don't know what to call her exactly but she's family. She's a good trick rider and trick shooter."

Xavier frowned. "Her name wouldn't happen to be Willamena, would it?"

Preston nodded. "Yeah, it is. Do you know her?"

"I don't know. Flashy, loud, opinionated?"

A laugh left Preston's mouth. "Yeah, that sounds like her."

"I met her once," Xavier admitted, remembering the way the woman had demanded attention inside the saloon while playing poker, drinking too much, and threatening to fist fight every man, woman, and inanimate object in the place.

Xavier pointed to Preston's horse. "Show me what you can do."

Preston seems a little unsure. "You want to watch me?"

"Sure do. I ain't no trick rider. Put on a show for me, Preston." Xavier thought of all the things he'd like to watch Preston do and he clenched his fists tightly.

Preston walked to his horse and grunted as he hoisted the saddle onto the beasts back. Xavier was tempted to help him but suppressed the urge. The man could handle his own saddle.... But something inside Xavier was eager to help him—take care of him.

Goddammit, these feelings were a pain in the ass.

After several long minutes, Preston was sliding onto his horse's back. The man seemed a bit unsure at first as he began riding around under Xavier's watchful eye.

Xavier settled back on a rock and waited for Preston to overcome his nerves. It didn't take long. As Xavier watched that slender body move with such fluid grace atop his horse, his hunger for him grew—as did his pride. Preston was talented. Standing in the saddle, hanging off the side, riding backward.. it seemed that he was completely in his element.

Preston was laughing as he leapt of his horse some time later. His face was flushed and he was breathing hard. Xavier chuckled. "Well, you ain't much good at setting up camps, don't do real good in a fight, and yelp when you hear thunder, but you're damn good on a horse."


Preston had buried his nose in a book the rest of the day. He knew that Xavier was upset by Preston's sudden distance. It wasn't anything Xavier had done, it was Preston's damn sickness. He'd been so proud when he was showing off his talents to Xavier—so happy to show Xavier that he was good at something. And he'd seen the pride in Xavier's eyes. It had made Preston feel so good....

But, after getting off the horse, his breathing hadn't wanted to return to normal. He'd done his best to hide it from Xavier. He'd grabbed a book and walked a short distance from camp before settling down.

Preston had done everything he knew to do in order to steady his breathing and avoid a full blown attack. The last thing he'd wanted was to have that happen around Xavier. Or to die out here in the middle of nowhere.

His heart was heavy and his pride destroyed. Trick riding had been one of his favorite pastimes and now he couldn't even do it. His papa had been right. All that was going to happen out here was that he was going to die—he didn't want to die.

He had to distance himself from Xavier. Whatever it was beginning to stir between them had to stop. It wasn't fair to Xavier. Preston was a dying man.

He would get to the town Xavier was taking him to and then he would send word to his family and have Wyatt and Zachariah come get him and bring him home. He wasn't cut out for this life—not with the lungs he'd been cursed with.

"Pull your nose out of you book. You're missing your sunset."

Preston nearly leapt from his skin at Xavier's sudden voice behind him. He didn't glance up from the pages. "They all look the same," he muttered. He had to convince Xavier to leave him alone.

Xavier grunted. "What's crawled up your ass?"


He felt Xavier's eyes burning holes in him and then the man turned and walked away.

Supper was eaten in a tense silence. Preston wasn't able to stomach much. Too much was running through his mind. He liked Xavier and he knew he was hurting the other man's feelings even if Xavier would never admit it.... Preston didn't like hurting people. But his breathing today had reminded him of the truth, so distance was best.

When Preston spread his bedroll out across the fire from Xavier's, Xavier finally spoke again. "Guess I don't have to worry about waking up with you on top of me in the morning."

Preston swallowed hard. "Nope."

Then he had turned his back on Xavier and curled up around himself beneath his blanket feeling more like a little boy than a man. Life truly was unfair. 

A/N: Poor Preston... and poor Xavier.... Why am I doing this to the poor babies?

An Outlaw's Weakness*Fifth in Crane Gang series*Where stories live. Discover now