Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Xavier saw the glow of the town in the distance and tensed in the saddle. He was in no hurry to say goodbye to Preston—even if the man had become distant and withdrawn over the last couple of days.

It seemed that since Preston had awakened those feelings of caring within him, Xavier could not force them back into hibernation. Xavier cared about Preston. Seeing him so damn melancholy caused Xavier to hurt down deep.

But what was he supposed to do about it? He'd attempted conversation several times only to be shut down. He wasn't going to beg the man to open up to him. He wasn't going to pry. If Preston didn't want him around, Xavier would make himself scarce.

From the corner of his eye, Xavier glanced at Preston. Damn, but he wanted to pull the other man into his lap and kiss away the sadness he saw on his face.

Xavier forced his gaze away. Preston wasn't his to worry about. Xavier had spent his life alone and he'd be just fine without Preston's presence.

"I guess this is where we part ways," Xavier mumbled, as they rode onto the main street. The buildings were lit by kerosene lanterns. Music came from several saloons and a lawman lounged against the banister of the jail. Men and women made their way up and down the street and conversation could be heard from the diner. Yeah, Preston should be much safer here.

"Do you want me to get you settled at the hotel?" Xavier asked.

Preston shook his head. "No."

Xavier winced. "Okay then. Good luck with your adventure, Preston."

When Preston offered no response, Xavier clicked his tongue and led his horse away. He was going to get some food in his gut, drink a beer, play a round or two of poker, and then bid this town, and Preston, goodbye.

After getting his fill of food at the diner, Xavier tossed down some money and headed back onto the boardwalk. He lit a cigarette and smoked it slowly before tossing it into the dirt and heading for one of the saloons.

The moment he stepped inside, his eyes found Preston. The other man was at the bar and seemed to be well on his way to a good drunk. Xavier wasn't pleased. Preston was too damn innocent to be getting drunk in a saloon.

But it wasn't any of Xavier's business. If the man wanted to get drunk and make a fool of himself, Xavier had no right to stop him. He thought about going to a different saloon, but his boots just wouldn't carry him. He tried to tell himself it was just because he still felt responsible for Preston that he wanted to stay and ensure the man made it back to the hotel safely.

Going into the back corner of the saloon, Xavier settled down in the shadows and watched. A bar maid attempted to steal his attention but Xavier was quick to wave her away. The only thing he was interested in was currently beginning to weave upon his barstool.

He tensed a while later when Preston got to his feet and stumbled out the door. He tensed even more when a man slipped out the door behind him.

Xavier stood and followed after them. He rounded the side of the saloon when he heard a thud and found Preston pressed tight to the saloon wall with the man firmly holding him in place.

Preston was whimpering and attempting to get away as the man shoved his crotch against him. "I'm gonna have you, boy. You're a tiny one."

Rage filled Xavier. As did disbelief. Just how many men out there were going to attempt to take Preston in an alley?

Stepping forward, Xavier saw Preston's big blue eyes land on him. Xavier crossed his arms over his chest and cleared his throat. The sound had Preston's newest attacker taking a quick leap backward.

"Who the hell are you?" he demanded.

Xavier snapped his fingers and motioned for Preston. He was happy when the man came to him without question. His wobbly legs nearly gave out, but Xavier wrapped a strong arm around his waist, pulling him into his side and holding him steady.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" the man bellowed again.

Xavier let out a slow breath, meeting the man's gaze full force and fully prepared to pull his gun if the need arose. "I'm no one and he's mine."

The stranger seemed to debate a moment before letting out a snort, waving his hand, and walking away.

"Xavier?" Preston's small voice whispered.

Turning his attention to the smaller man, Xavier noticed his skin was green and he was wincing as if in pain. Preston swayed on his feet. "I don't.. I don't feel so good...."

Xavier grumbled under his breath when Preston suddenly crumpled and he was forced to catch the man and scoop him into his arms. What had the man been thinking drinking so much?

Ignoring the stares and whispers, Xavier carried Preston to the hotel and walked up to the clerk with the small man curled up in his chest. "I need a room."

The clerk frowned. "Two rooms, sir?"

Xavier growled. "You heard me." He wasn't about to let Preston out of his sight again tonight.

Xavier signed his name to the book and took the key from the clerk before heading up the stairs. Opening the door and locking it behind him, Xavier carried Preston to the bed. After pulling back the covers, Xavier laid him down and removed his boots and glasses.

He pulled the blanket up to cover Preston and turned down the kerosene lamp that had been lit in the corner.

He left the room, locking the door behind him, so he could go see to his horse, and Preston's if he could find it. Xavier's horse was still hitched at the diner and he found Preston's at the saloon. After setting both horses up at the livery, Xavier shouldered two sets of saddlebags and headed back to the hotel.

He found Preston all curled up around himself in the bed, whimpering as he slept. Xavier sighed. Whatever the hell was wrong with the man had led him to drinking and damn near being violated once again tonight.

If Xavier hadn't been there....

He clenched his fists and slid his gun belt from his hips, laying it over the chair. Xavier was wrestling with some pretty serious thoughts. Never in his life had he let himself grow attached to anyone—until Preston. Somehow that skinny, pale, bookworm of a man had weaseled his way past Xavier's defenses. And now Xavier wasn't at all ready to let the man go.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow, Preston was going to get a hell of a lecture about drinking. Tomorrow, Preston was going to find it harder to put distance between them. Tomorrow, he was going to start teaching Preston how to defend his damn self so Xavier didn't have to do it for him so often.

A/N: This was an Xavier coming to terms with certain feelings chapter! I wonder how Preston will feel when he wakes up in the morning with a throbbing head, a rolling stomach, and a pissed off sexy man tired of being pushed away?

An Outlaw's Weakness*Fifth in Crane Gang series*Where stories live. Discover now