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A few days later, I'm back in my dorm writing a paper for a class when my phone buzzes. It's Mathew. He called a few times and I just haven't answered but saved his number in my phone anyways. After what happened with the last guy I was with I swore I wouldn't let myself get off track again. Just as my phone stopped ringing, Sophia came in our room. "Have you talked to Mat yet?" She asks, plopping on her bed. "No, he called but I haven't answered." I say. "You're telling me he's called and you haven't called him back?" Sophia says. "I've sworn off man-handling, I do not need any distractions. Besides, what's the point." I say, continuing on my paper. "What do you mean 'what's the point'? He plays hockey in the NHL! " "Call him." She adds, leaving the room.

After a little while, I pause on my paper and pick up my phone, looking at the unanswered calls from Mat.

Mathew Barzal

Missed Call (2)

Instantly I thought "When will I get this chance again?" So, I pick my phone back up and call Mathew back. Silently I was hoping he wouldn't answer and I could say I called him and he didn't answer; but he did.


"Hey Mat, it's Lexi." I say.
"Lexi! It's great to hear from you!" He says.
"Just returning your calls." I say, fiddling with a loose piece of paper.
"I'm glad you did, would you want to get dinner with me sometime? I know I usually don't just ask out random girls from Starbucks but-" he says.
"I would love to." I tell him, smiling.
After we set up a date and time, May offers to pick me up.

"You sure? I live kind of far away." I say.
After telling him I live on campus, the sound of me living an hour away didn't faze him at all. He told me a time and day and we hung up.

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