Chapter 4 - Unwelcome reunion and rejoining Konoha

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Some quick notes on speech an stuff:

Chars speaking : I will have my REVENGE

Chars thought's : "They will all pay..."


It has been three hours since Naruto sat down with his back to the guard booth and entered jinzen, though within it had been three days that past as the only thing you could hear inside was the sound of weapons clashing rapidly and repeatedly as Naruto and Winter was once again fighting a vicious fight.

This was one of the ways that Winter chose to torture Naruto or was it to train him, neither was sure after so long. The only thing the both of them knew was that it had made an unbreakable bond between them which only strengthens each time they face of like this, to Naruto, Winter had become a wise yet playful older sister he could always trust his back with and to Winter, Naruto had become the ideal younger brother she could spoil when ever she felt like it.

After another half an hour Naruto finished the battle within as on the outside he could feel the two guards had awoken so he said bye to Winter with a hug and left his inner world. When he suddenly stood up right next to the guard booth the two guards Izumo and Kotetsu freaked out and drew their kunais as they didn't even know he was there, after a tense couple of minutes both guards realized it was only a kid so they lowered their guard.

Izumo - (questioning voice) Yeah kid, what do you want?

Kotetsu - (annoyed voice) And don't startle us like that!

Naruto - (calm voice) Uh huh... First stop with the kid... my name is Kagidzume Naruto... and second you were sleeping on the job... I've been next to the booth meditating for three hours already...

Izumo - (nervous voice) A-ahaha we were just resting our eyes for a bit you know...

Naruto - (calm voice) Anyway can I enter the village now?

Kotetsu - (calm voice) Quickly fill in this form and your good to go though you will have to go to the Hokage's office for a permanent permit to stay in the village.

Naruto - (fills in the form) (calm voice) Here you go...

Izumo - (calm voice) Let me guide you to the Hokage's office...

Naruto - (calm voice) It's fine, I know my way around the village...

Kotetsu - (suspicious voice) You've been in the village before?

Naruto - (calm voice) Well yeah, I was born here after all.

Izumo - (calm voice) Well welcome back in that case...

Naruto - (calm voice) Thanks I'll be going now.

==scene change - Konoha gate guards==

A couple of minutes after Naruto left the gate guards Izumo could see Kotetsu deep in thought but before he could ask what he is thinking so deeply about he saw Kotetsu rush into the guard booth and pulling out the bingo book. Rapidly flipping through the bingo book he stopped at a page near the end showing Naruto's picture. When he saw who it was he turned deathly pale. Izumo seeing this became worried.

Izumo - (worried voice) Kotetsu just what's gotten into you all of a sudden?

Kotetsu - (worried voice) It was him Izumo! It was the Winter Wolf! (shows Naruto's page to Izumo who turns pale)

Izumo - (worried voice) Keep guarding the gate! I'm going to report to the Hokage right now!

==scene change - Naruto==

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