8 | "truce?"

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Over the course of the following week, I try my best to keep my life separate from Luke's

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Over the course of the following week, I try my best to keep my life separate from Luke's.

However, it doesn't quite work out the way I want it to.

As an excuse not to sit with Luke's friends during lunch, I end up skipping the period altogether to study in the library. I come to the decision that it will probably be best if I continue to slowly drift away from Emma and Piper, Peter included, so that they'll become accustomed to life without me once again. I'm hoping that Luke will decide on his own to reappear into their daily lives to keep the focus off of my missing appearance, though of course that doesn't work out.

After the first day I don't sit with my new friends at lunch, Emma corners me the next morning at my locker. She asks me where I was during our break the previous afternoon and why I never showed at the table, and I scramble to come up with some sort of viable excuse. Before I'm able to utter a word, she draws on to say that I better not try disappearing on her again because—whether I like it or not—she's my friend now, and I'm stuck with her.

Though my plan is to allow Luke to return to his simple life without placing myself in the middle of his problems, I can't deny that Emma's words warm my heart.

So I end up returning to my usual table for lunch after my talk with Emma, not surprised that Luke decides not to associate with us for the entire week. As far as I can tell, his friends are still pretty upset over his immature behavior. I do continue to ignore Luke as best as I can, however, keeping my space from him. In return, he offers me the same. I suppose I'm doing him a favor, regardless of whether he knows my avoiding him is intentional or simply out of hatred for him. I do still put in an effort to hang out with Alissa, though only when she isn't with her brother. In English class, I don't bother trying to talk to him. I come to find that Luke does seem somewhat happier when I'm not around him, so I fully intend to keep on with what I'm doing.

I come to find that what Piper once said to me about Luke being considered the Prince of Crestwood is seemingly true. Observing the way those around him treat Luke, you'd think he was actual royalty. Girls fawn over him and a multitude of guys casually strike up conversation with him when he's roaming the halls. It's clear to me that Luke doesn't view his peers with the same regard, as he doesn't seem to keep any particular people in his circle. Besides Piper, Emma, and Peter, I haven't seen him make much of an effort to hang around anyone. I also notice that nowadays the only time Luke talks with his friends when I'm not around, which I suppose is to be expected.

As of right now, I haven't had any sort of interaction with Luke in exactly a week. I'm not quite sure why this realization bothers me, as that's all Luke has ever seemed to do. Bother me, that is.

Sitting up in my bed, I ran a hand through my dark hair. I've been studying for a math test I have the following day, though I'm hardly paying attention to the numbers on the page in front me anymore. I guess I got too lost in thought, thinking about Luke—of all people.

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