12 | "you've fallen for him, haven't you?"

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After we stop for food, Liam claims that he knows the best spot for us to go and escape our real lives for a little while

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After we stop for food, Liam claims that he knows the best spot for us to go and escape our real lives for a little while. I admit that I'm a little on edge, as I don't know where he's planning to take me and Liam refuses to tell me, claiming it's a "surprise". In all honesty, I've never much been one for surprises. I'd much rather like to know what I'm getting myself into, preferring to keep my life within my vision and control.

Although, I have to admit that it's nice to take a break from that, too, even if it is just for the night.

As Liam drives, I sit in the passenger seat and listen to music that Liam and I both share a taste for much too loudly, the bass drowning out the sound of my off-key singing. Liam keeps the windows rolled down, the breeze blowing my hair all over the place, as if my dark hair is dancing to the music.

It's pretty dark out now, and we've been driving for a while, which has me pretty curious as to where we're going. I don't mind the drive, however, and I'm having more fun than I'd first thought I would—more fun than I'd like to admit.

It isn't long before Liam turns down on what appears to be an abandoned dirt road. I glance over at him curiously, raising an eyebrow in question.

Liam merely smiles in response, adding, "Shouldn't be much longer."

Just minutes later, Liam parks his car in some sort of clearing. As far as I can tell, we're the only two people here, and it's much too dark for me to be able to make out where we are. There's some sort of loud roaring noise off in the distance, however, and it sounds oddly familiar.

"You can go ahead," Liam tells me, seemingly able to sense that I'm desperate to know where we are. "I'll grab the food."

"What a gentleman," I tease, grinning. With that, I slip out of the car, noticing the way my weight sinks into the ground. This startles me, and looking down I'm just able to make our what appears to be sand from the little light the moon offers.

It can't be . . .

Looking up, I come face-to-face with the vast, deep blue ocean. I watch, stunned, as wave after wave crashes on the shore, the water sparkling as the moon casts its light down onto the waves. It's beautiful, and I honestly can't believe I'm here.

Back when I lived in California, the beach had been my favorite place to go and forget about whatever was on my mind bothering me. I'd spend entire days out in the sunlight, surfing or enjoying the warmth of the sun beaming down on the sand. To blow off steam after fights with Kendall or my parents, I'd go and jog along the shoreline. On the nights I couldn't sleep, I'd sneak out of the house and go off to sit in the sand, staring out at the ocean in the darkness and take in the stillness and peace.

"How did you know?" I can't help asking Liam once he's appeared by my side, our food in hand.

Raising his eyebrows, Liam questions, "Know what?"

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