27 | "we need to talk."

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I sit outside on my front porch, waiting for Liam to appear

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I sit outside on my front porch, waiting for Liam to appear. He agreed to meet me at my house to finish the conversation we began in the hallway at school earlier this morning. When he does show up, I'm not excited to see him. I feel bad for admitting that, though it's true. I can't see the future, but I know that whatever happens after Liam steps out of his car won't be good.

I meet him at the end of my driveway. I don't want to take him inside while Kendall and my parents are home, sure that the two of us will end up fighting.

"Why don't we go for a walk?" I suggest, craving motion. Liam merely nods his head in response, and we walk toward the street in silence.

Turning right, we pass Luke's house. It isn't until I actually can't take the silence between us any longer that I speak. "I'm sorry," I exhale. "I'm sorry that we've been fighting. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the time Luke and I kissed. I'm sorry I didn't tell you I had Luke over yesterday. But I'm not sorry about what I said in the hallway earlier. It's clear you don't trust me. And that's a problem."

"It's not that I don't trust you," Liam is quick to say. "I just don't trust Luke."

"I get that," I tell him, as I do, on some level. "But—look. You have friends that are girls. You don't see me losing my head about it, do you? No. Because I trust you. I trust that you're faithful in our relationship and wouldn't do anything to jeopardize it. You don't have to trust Luke in order to trust me the same way I do you."

Liam is quite for a moment. "I'm sorry, but I'm just . . . I'm not comfortable with the two of you hanging out. It . . . bothers me."

"I'm still a person Liam. I'm allowed to hang out with whoever I want to. Just because someone makes you uncomfortable doesn't mean I have to stop seeing them."

"But, I'd prefer if you did," Liam says with no shame. "I don't like the thought of you and Luke alone together, Jade. I really wish you'd stop hanging out with him."

"Well, tough luck," I snap bitterly. "Luke and I are friends. Believe it or not, that's all we are."

Liam shakes his head, and I can tell that he's getting frustrated, just as I am. "What do you even see in him, anyway? I mean, Bradford's a douche. He's an ass to everyone he meets. Hell, he was an ass to you. Over and over again."

"He's not a bad guy," I defend Luke. "He has a hard exterior because he's afraid of letting people in. Maybe if you tried to get to know him—"

"Jade, are you hearing yourself right now? I do know Luke, and he's awful! Maybe you should open your eyes and see what's right in front of you!"

"You know what I see in front of me right now?" I cry, turning to face Liam. "A jealous, insecure, controlling boyfriend!"

"I'm not trying to control you!" Liam barks. "I'm just telling you what makes me uncomfortable!"

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