The Gala

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Luca's suit.

Luca POV

Who the fuck is she.

One minute she's bawling her eyes out having a panic attack and the next she's some badass.

I'm still confused on how she knew who me and my gang members were.

Also who the fuck did she call because that was an expensive ass car.

"The number she called, she deleted from the phone. I found it but when I tried tracking it nothing was found." Keen said.

He was the tech guy.

I hummed in response and went to find my friends.

"Found out who she is yet?" Both Dash and Kyle ask me at the same time.

They were waiting across the hall from tech room.

"Not a clue, and I have a feeling she wants it that way," I answer as we walk towards the stairs.

"We still have the gala tonight," Dash reminds us.

"We meet the new gang tonight. They are number one, so we want friends not enemies, got it?" I tell them.

They nod and head up the stairs to their rooms.

I walk up the stairs to.

I walk into my room and slam the door behind me.

I flop down on my bed, and stair at the gray ceiling.

Same color as all of my walls.

I am going to find out who this girl is.

I want to know everything about her.

There is something missing that seems highly important.

Something about her screams 'I'm the boss'.

I let out a frustrated grunt before sat sitting up and getting ready for the gala.


Elena's POV

"A fucking dress, really Loki?" I ask my best friend who is sitting in my bed trying to convince me to wear a dress.

I get it's a gala but I mean, do I have to wear a dress.

For god sakes I am a female running a gang, the number one gang in the world.

I thought I broke all the stereotypes already.

"Yes, now put it on," she says crossing her arms, laying them in her chest.

She glares at me with her piercing brown eyes.

"No," I said defiantly.

"Your mom said you need to make a good impression. Your new here, make some ally's." She says.

I roll my eyes and chuckle.

"I don't think they would want their badass ally to be a girl in a dress," I state mater of factly.

She just rolls her eyes again.

"Doesn't matter, wear the dress," she says walking towards the door.

"I'll do your makeup and hair later," she says.

"Oh no, hair you can do, makeup I do," I say.

She nods and walks out. Let the torture begin.


Once I'm in my dress, Loki comes and does my hair.

The dress is a black, long, and skin tight.

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