Peter Pan

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Elena's POV

I slowly made my way to the front of the church, leaving a emotionless expression on my face. Adeem had a huge family, close with all of them, which put them in a tuff situation knowing that every time they have seen him could have been the last.

People filled the rows of the church, from young to old. Many children were crying, there parents and grandparents comforting them. Loki was crying silently, over the loss of her brother, her mom trying to comfort her well also mourning the loss of her own son.

I continued my walk to the front of the church, which grew quiet. I let out a breathe and gave everyone a sad smile.

"In my line of work, I never expect myself to feel. To make friends, have a real family. I pushed everyone away and never took the time to actual try to build any type of a relationship with anyone. But then I met this real ambitus, brave, loving, caring, charming, cocky, intelligent, young man, who had loved the movie Peter Pan" I pause, smiling slightly at the memory of one of my best friends.

"And as much as I mastered the art of running away, he mastered the art of finding me. He never gave up no matter how much I pushed him away. So I gave in, I let myself love. Care. Trust. I let myself enjoy the late night talks and arguments over whether a hot dog is a sandwich or not,"

"Instead of being his boss, I was his friend, his sister. We would spend holidays and birthdays together. Are families became one. Blood didn't matter because we knew how much we meant to each other. We knew how much we loved each other." I pause as a tear falls down my cheek.

"Many times had Adeem saved my life, a debt a will never be able to repay. He has done so much for so many people, family or not, he never cared. And he went through so much himself, but he never let it get him, he was so strong. Stronger then me, although I will never admit to him." I laugh a little through my tears at the last sentence.

"It really sucks, to come through everything he has, and be gone in seconds, almost as though everything he did meant nothing. But it meant everything. Its actually quite shocking for me to be saying goodbye to him. Maybe its because Adeem never said goodbye, and maybe it was because of that stupid Peter Pan movie he always watched that he said the words 'Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting'" I ramble on, stopping to catch a breathe as some chuckle through there tears.

"And to be honest, this was are only serious argument. But as much as I honestly hated arguing with Adeem, I couldn't agree with him. I didn't want to hold on to him, let him rot in the hell hole that is my mind. But then we talked, one of those classic, definitely-not-about-to-die-this-is-why-are-talking about-this talk," I smile a bit and wipe my tears.

"I really am not the person to admit when I am wrong but boy was I stupid. I could never say goodbye to Adeem because he was a part of me. Part of the reason I was still alive to this very day. He taught me to experience the pain, beauty, and emotion of the world around me. And when he left this world, that pain was so much more, the beauty was gone, and the emotion was almost unbearable." I wipe tears as they fall fast, quickly, and uncontrollably.

"But I Adeem wouldn't want that, because that's not who he was. He was strong. His eyes still shined even when he was sad. Even when he felt not good enough." I pause, letting my words sink in, well grabbing the single rose and placing it on the casket.

"But you are enough bubba, so much more then enough. You are a fighter, a dreamer. Reach for the stars and never stop loving yourself fretello orso,"


I sat in Luca's room brushing out my hair, watching Peter Pan, well Loki was watching Peter Pan, I was typing, trying to find my kid who has been missing for the past two months. Loki just got back from another mission and decided that we need to have a movie night, which is weird without Adeem and Cameron but its okay, because cam is only in the other room trying to find my kid.

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