Mechanic 2 (Arthur Bishop)

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Koh Lipe, Southern Thailand

Bishop had just settled in for the night when he heard Mei calling his name, opening his door he was meet by her worried face

"They're fighting. It's bad." Grabbing his binoculars Bishop looked out at a boat floating in deeper waters. They could heard a man yelling mean and hateful things and a woman telling him to stop.

"It's my niece. She said it was a friend."

"Domestic squabble, Mei. Not my business."

"You helped me once. Help her. Or I will do it."

"Hold this." Bishop said handing Mei his binoculars, he ran down the beach towards a vacant boat. Borrowing it, he drove it towards the boat, the yelling becoming louder as approached it. Bishop cut the engine and went into the water, letting the boat drift the rest of the way.

You kept walking away from who you thought was your best friend, you came over like you do every weekend to have drinks. When suddenly he started getting touchy, feely with you, you told him to knock it off or you were leaving. That's when he hit you, you had had enough and got up to leave before you hurt him. He was following you around his boat trying to get to you but you kept your distance.

"Jordan, stay the fuck away from me." He cornered you, you stood your ground waiting for him to make a move, he had plenty of warnings and you were done with his shit.

"Not worth it." Bishops voice cut through the situation like a knife, Jordan glared at him and used this moment as an advantage. Your EX best friend slapped you and got you in a head lock backing away from Bishop.

"Let her go." Bishop said coming toward you and Jordan with clenched fists,

"Who the fuck are you?" Jordan asked, Bishop never broke eye contact with him as he stumbled around his boat dragging you around.

"I said, let her go. Last chance."

"Let me go, Jordan." You growled as best you could,

"You don't want to do that." You heard Bishop yell, you saw Jordan looking at his fishing spear. You got your footing and gripped Jordan's arm,

"Don't do it." You warned one last time,

"Fuck you." He yelled and went for it, you kicked away from his reach and elbowed him in the face, breaking his nose. Slipping through his hold you turned and hit his jaw with your fist, he stumbled back and held the mast for support. You bashed his head against it and kick his feet out from under him, Jordan landed on his back with a grunt, you stood over him looking at him with disappointment.

"I told you not to." Sighing you turned to bishop and held out your hand to the surprised man. "Arthur Bishop, pleasure to meat you." He shook your hand with a brow raised, you chuckled. "Went through my aunts stuff and did some research, big fan by the way. Don't tell Aunt Mei." You heard a boat coming in the distance and stepped closer to Bishop. "Could you do me a favor?"

"Um sure." You smiled and jumped into his arms, bridal style.

"Tell my aunt your the one who beat his ass, she would lose her shit if she knew I did it." You pointed at Jordan giggling, the boat was pulling up next to Jordan's boat. Bishop laughed to himself when you winked at him before pretending to faint in his arms.

"Bishop, what happened?" Mei shouted form the side,

"Shes fine, just fainted is all." You could hear the sarcasm in his voice that was only meant for you, you aunt sighed in relief and helped bishop climb into the smaller boat. On the way back to shore you got a cramp in your leg, so not thinking it through completely you pretended to move in your sleep. Your aunt saw you move and became worried,

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