Safe (Luke Wright)

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Quickly ducking into a homeless shelter, you looked over your shoulder to see if they were following you. Not spotting anyone suspicious, you let out a breath you had been holding and trudged further into the building.

The Russians were after you, again.

Exhausted you practically fell into the little, make shift bed the shelter offered. Feeling eyes burn into your figure, you cautiously turn your head to look at whoever it was. A rather handsome man, watched you slightly amused with your actions. When he noticed you looking back at him, he promptly turned away and laid down on his own little bed.

Following his actions, you laid down with your back to his, watching the peace keepers do a quick walk through. Once the lights cut out you tried to sleep, but one face in particular was suck in the back of your mind, that good-looking stranger laying right behind you. Presuming you were safe at the moment, you let your thoughts wonder, hoping it would help sleep come a little easier.

Sleep didn't come easy these days, with the Russians after you all the time, you really had to watch your back. Which is a lot harder then it sounds.

Out of nowhere, a hand clamped over your mouth, concealing your surprised squeal. Two men held you down as one of them pulled out a blade, slowly bringing it down to your throat.

After a lot more struggling, you managed to free one of your legs and kick the man with the blade, in the face. He stumbled away holding the side of his head, a small trail of blood ran down his face, thank god for steel toes, you thought.

Reaching down, you pulled out your own blade from your boot and stabbed it into the other guys leg. He fell to the floor holding his leg in pain, your smirk though was wiped away when a arm wrapped itself around your neck. The air seemed to get colder as you tried gasping for everything you could get, suffocating was the last thing you planned on doing today. Right as you were about to pass out the arm dropped you, a warm chest greeted you as you panted and coughed at the sudden return of oxygen.

Glancing up you found the handsome stranger from earlier, holding you in his arms. Head falling back against his chest, you took a deep breath.

"Thanks. Really thought they had me this time." You chuckled, standing up you looked down at the dead assassin bodies.

"The Russians have something against you too?" The man asked, almost amusedly. Raising a brow, you looked up at him with a slight smirk,

"Yeah, 'borrowed' some info from them, you?" He huffed out a laugh while looking at the ground, he looked, sad-mad.

"They bet on the wrong man." Nodding kinda understanding where he was coming from, there was a moment of awkward silence, until the man stuck his hand out.

"I'm Luke, Luke Wright." You shook his hand, then quickly pulled him down, placing a quick kiss on his lips before letting go and grabbing your knife from the Russians leg.

"(Y/n), and thanks again for the help." Pulling out a slip of paper, you wrote down a address on it and handed it to him. "If you ever need a favor, you can find me here." Luke smiled and waved back at you as you walked towards the exit door, somewhere deep inside you, hope was there, longing to see him again. One day.

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